Source code for advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import Field, fields, is_dataclass
from inspect import isclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Iterable, Protocol, Type, final, runtime_checkable

    from typing import AbstractSet

    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeGuard

[docs]@final class Empty: """A sentinel class used as placeholder."""
EmptyType: TypeAlias = Type[Empty] """Type alias for the :class:`Empty` sentinel class.""" @runtime_checkable class DataclassProtocol(Protocol): """Protocol for instance checking dataclasses""" __dataclass_fields__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] def extract_dataclass_fields( dt: DataclassProtocol, exclude_none: bool = False, exclude_empty: bool = False, include: AbstractSet[str] | None = None, exclude: AbstractSet[str] | None = None, ) -> tuple[Field[Any], ...]: """Extract dataclass fields. Args: dt: A dataclass instance. exclude_none: Whether to exclude None values. exclude_empty: Whether to exclude Empty values. include: An iterable of fields to include. exclude: An iterable of fields to exclude. Returns: A tuple of dataclass fields. """ include = include or set() exclude = exclude or set() if common := (include & exclude): msg = f"Fields {common} are both included and excluded." raise ValueError(msg) dataclass_fields: Iterable[Field[Any]] = fields(dt) if exclude_none: dataclass_fields = (field for field in dataclass_fields if getattr(dt, is not None) if exclude_empty: dataclass_fields = (field for field in dataclass_fields if getattr(dt, is not Empty) if include: dataclass_fields = (field for field in dataclass_fields if in include) if exclude: dataclass_fields = (field for field in dataclass_fields if not in exclude) return tuple(dataclass_fields) def extract_dataclass_items( dt: DataclassProtocol, exclude_none: bool = False, exclude_empty: bool = False, include: AbstractSet[str] | None = None, exclude: AbstractSet[str] | None = None, ) -> tuple[tuple[str, Any], ...]: """Extract dataclass name, value pairs. Unlike the 'asdict' method exports by the stdlib, this function does not pickle values. Args: dt: A dataclass instance. exclude_none: Whether to exclude None values. exclude_empty: Whether to exclude Empty values. include: An iterable of fields to include. exclude: An iterable of fields to exclude. Returns: A tuple of key/value pairs. """ dataclass_fields = extract_dataclass_fields(dt, exclude_none, exclude_empty, include, exclude) return tuple((, getattr(dt, for field in dataclass_fields) def simple_asdict( obj: DataclassProtocol, exclude_none: bool = False, exclude_empty: bool = False, convert_nested: bool = True, exclude: set[str] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Convert a dataclass to a dictionary. This method has important differences to the standard library version: - it does not deepcopy values - it does not recurse into collections Args: obj: A dataclass instance. exclude_none: Whether to exclude None values. exclude_empty: Whether to exclude Empty values. convert_nested: Whether to recursively convert nested dataclasses. exclude: An iterable of fields to exclude. Returns: A dictionary of key/value pairs. """ ret: dict[str, Any] = {} for field in extract_dataclass_fields(obj, exclude_none, exclude_empty, exclude=exclude): value = getattr(obj, if is_dataclass_instance(value) and convert_nested: ret[] = simple_asdict(value, exclude_none, exclude_empty) else: ret[] = getattr(obj, return ret def is_dataclass_instance(obj: Any) -> TypeGuard[DataclassProtocol]: """Check if an object is a dataclass instance. Args: obj: An object to check. Returns: True if the object is a dataclass instance. """ return hasattr(type(obj), "__dataclass_fields__") # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] def is_dataclass_class(annotation: Any) -> TypeGuard[type[DataclassProtocol]]: """Wrap :func:`is_dataclass <dataclasses.is_dataclass>` in a :data:`typing.TypeGuard`. Args: annotation: tested to determine if instance or type of :class:`dataclasses.dataclass`. Returns: ``True`` if instance or type of ``dataclass``. """ try: return isclass(annotation) and is_dataclass(annotation) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover return False