
Sync SQLAlchemy configuration module.

class advanced_alchemy.config.sync.AlembicSyncConfig[source]

Bases: GenericAlembicConfig

Configuration for Alembic’s synchronous migrations.

For details see:

__init__(script_config: str = 'alembic.ini', version_table_name: str = 'alembic_versions', version_table_schema: str | None = None, script_location: str = 'migrations', user_module_prefix: str | None = 'sa.', render_as_batch: bool = True, compare_type: bool = False, template_path: str = '/home/runner/work/advanced-alchemy/advanced-alchemy/advanced_alchemy/alembic/templates') None
class advanced_alchemy.config.sync.SQLAlchemySyncConfig[source]

Bases: GenericSQLAlchemyConfig[Engine, Session, sessionmaker[Session]]

Synchronous SQLAlchemy Configuration.


The alembic configuration options are documented in the Alembic documentation.

create_engine_callable(**kwargs: Any) Engine

Callable that creates an Engine instance or instance of its subclass.

session_config: SyncSessionConfig

Configuration options for the sessionmaker.

__init__(create_engine_callable: Callable[[str], Engine] = <function create_engine>, session_config: SyncSessionConfig = <factory>, session_maker_class: type[sessionmaker[Session]] = <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.session.sessionmaker'>, connection_string: str | None = None, engine_config: EngineConfig = <factory>, session_maker: Callable[[], SessionT] | None = None, engine_instance: EngineT | None = None, create_all: bool = False, metadata: MetaData | None = None, enable_touch_updated_timestamp_listener: bool = True, bind_key: str | None = None, alembic_config: AlembicSyncConfig = <factory>) None

Sessionmaker class to use.

alias of sessionmaker

alembic_config: AlembicSyncConfig

Configuration for the SQLAlchemy Alembic migrations.

The configuration options are documented in the Alembic documentation.

get_session() Generator[Session, None, None][source]

Get a session context manager.


Generator[sqlalchemy.orm.Session, None, None] – A context manager yielding an active SQLAlchemy Session.


Using the session context manager:

>>> with config.get_session() as session:
...     session.execute(...)
class advanced_alchemy.config.sync.SyncSessionConfig[source]

Bases: GenericSessionConfig[Connection, Engine, Session]

Configuration for synchronous SQLAlchemy sessions.

__init__(autobegin: bool | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, autoflush: bool | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, bind: EngineT | ConnectionT | None | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, binds: dict[type[Any] | Mapper | TableClause | str, EngineT | ConnectionT] | None | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, class_: type[SessionT] | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, expire_on_commit: bool | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, info: dict[str, Any] | None | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, join_transaction_mode: JoinTransactionMode | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, query_cls: type[Query] | None | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, twophase: bool | EmptyType = <class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>) None