API Reference for the Starlette
extensions module
Private methods and attributes are not included in the API reference.
Starlette extension for Advanced Alchemy.
This module provides Starlette integration for Advanced Alchemy, including session management and service utilities.
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.AdvancedAlchemy[source]
AdvancedAlchemy integration for Starlette applications.
This class manages SQLAlchemy sessions and engine lifecycle within a Starlette application. It provides middleware for handling transactions based on commit strategies.
- Parameters:
config¶ (advanced_alchemy.config.asyncio.SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig | advanced_alchemy.config.sync.SQLAlchemySyncConfig) – The SQLAlchemy configuration.
app¶ (starlette.applications.Starlette | None) – The Starlette application instance. Defaults to None.
- __init__(config, app=None)[source]
- property config: Sequence[SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig | SQLAlchemySyncConfig]
Current Advanced Alchemy configuration.
- init_app(app)[source]
Initializes the Starlette application with SQLAlchemy engine and sessionmaker.
Sets up middleware and shutdown handlers for managing the database engine.
- property app: Starlette
Returns the Starlette application instance.
- Raises:
advanced_alchemy.exceptions.ImproperConfigurationError – If the application is not initialized.
- Returns:
The Starlette application instance.
- Return type:
- async on_shutdown()[source]
Handles the shutdown event by disposing of the SQLAlchemy engine.
Ensures that all connections are properly closed during application shutdown.
- Return type:
- Returns:
- map_configs()[source]
Maps the configs to the session bind keys.
- get_config(key=None)[source]
Get the config for the given key.
- Return type:
- get_async_config(key=None)[source]
Get the async config for the given key.
- Return type:
- get_sync_config(key=None)[source]
Get the sync config for the given key.
- Return type:
- with_async_session(key=None)[source]
Context manager for getting an async session.
- Return type:
- with_sync_session(key=None)[source]
Context manager for getting a sync session.
- get_session(request, key=None)[source]
Get the session for the given key.
- Return type:
- get_async_session(request, key=None)[source]
Get the async session for the given key.
- Return type:
- get_sync_session(request, key=None)[source]
Get the sync session for the given key.
- Return type:
- provide_session(key=None)[source]
Get the session for the given key.
- Return type:
- provide_async_session(key=None)[source]
Get the async session for the given key.
- Return type:
- provide_sync_session(key=None)[source]
Get the sync session for the given key.
- get_engine(key=None)[source]
Get the engine for the given key.
- Return type:
Engine | AsyncEngine
- get_async_engine(key=None)[source]
Get the async engine for the given key.
- Return type:
- get_sync_engine(key=None)[source]
Get the sync engine for the given key.
- Return type:
- provide_engine(key=None)[source]
Get the engine for the given key.
- Return type:
Callable[[], Engine | AsyncEngine]
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.AlembicAsyncConfig[source]
Configuration for an Async Alembic’s Config class.
- __init__(script_config='alembic.ini', version_table_name='alembic_versions', version_table_schema=None, script_location='migrations', user_module_prefix='sa.', render_as_batch=True, compare_type=False, template_path='/home/runner/work/advanced-alchemy/advanced-alchemy/advanced_alchemy/alembic/templates')
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.AlembicSyncConfig[source]
Configuration for Alembic’s synchronous migrations.
For details see:
- __init__(script_config='alembic.ini', version_table_name='alembic_versions', version_table_schema=None, script_location='migrations', user_module_prefix='sa.', render_as_batch=True, compare_type=False, template_path='/home/runner/work/advanced-alchemy/advanced-alchemy/advanced_alchemy/alembic/templates')
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.AsyncSessionConfig[source]
]SQLAlchemy async session config.
- sync_session_class
alias of
- __init__(autobegin=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, autoflush=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, bind=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, binds=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, class_=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, expire_on_commit=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, info=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, join_transaction_mode=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, query_cls=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, twophase=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, sync_session_class=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>)
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.EngineConfig[source]
Configuration for SQLAlchemy’s Engine.
This class extends the base EngineConfig with Starlette-specific JSON serialization options.
For details see:
- json_deserializer
Callable for converting JSON strings to Python objects.
- json_serializer
Callable for converting Python objects to JSON strings.
- json_deserializer(buf)
For dialects that support the
datatype, this is a Python callable that will convert a JSON string to a Python object. But default, this uses the built-in serializers.
- json_serializer()
For dialects that support the JSON datatype, this is a Python callable that will render a given object as JSON. By default, By default, the built-in serializer is used.
- Return type:
- __init__(connect_args=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, echo=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, echo_pool=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, enable_from_linting=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, execution_options=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, hide_parameters=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, insertmanyvalues_page_size=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, isolation_level=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, json_deserializer=<built-in method decode of msgspec.json.Decoder object>, json_serializer=<function serializer>, label_length=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, logging_name=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, max_identifier_length=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, max_overflow=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, module=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, paramstyle=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, poolclass=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_logging_name=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_pre_ping=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_size=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_recycle=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_reset_on_return=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_timeout=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, pool_use_lifo=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, plugins=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, query_cache_size=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, use_insertmanyvalues=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>)
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig[source]
SQLAlchemy Async config for Starlette.
- app: Starlette | None = None
The Starlette application instance.
- commit_mode: Literal['manual', 'autocommit', 'autocommit_include_redirect'] = 'manual'
The commit mode to use for database sessions.
- engine_key: str = 'db_engine'
Key to use for the dependency injection of database engines.
- session_key: str = 'db_session'
Key to use for the dependency injection of database sessions.
- session_maker_key: str = 'session_maker_class'
Key under which to store the SQLAlchemy
in the application state instance.
- engine_config: EngineConfig
Configuration for the SQLAlchemy engine.
The configuration options are documented in the SQLAlchemy documentation.
- init_app(app)[source]
Initialize the Starlette application with this configuration.
- async on_startup()[source]
Initialize the Starlette application with this configuration.
- Return type:
- create_session_maker()[source]
Get a session maker. If none exists yet, create one.
- Returns:
Session factory used by the plugin.
- Return type:
Callable[[], Session]
- async session_handler(session, request, response)[source]
Handles the session after a request is processed.
Applies the commit strategy and ensures the session is closed.
- Parameters:
session¶ (sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession) – The database session.
request¶ (starlette.requests.Request) – The incoming HTTP request.
response¶ (starlette.responses.Response) – The outgoing HTTP response.
- Return type:
- Returns:
- async middleware_dispatch(request, call_next)[source]
Middleware dispatch function to handle requests and responses.
Processes the request, invokes the next middleware or route handler, and applies the session handler after the response is generated.
- async on_shutdown()[source]
Handles the shutdown event by disposing of the SQLAlchemy engine.
Ensures that all connections are properly closed during application shutdown.
- Return type:
- Returns:
- __init__(create_engine_callable=<function create_async_engine>, session_config=<factory>, session_maker_class=<class 'sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.session.async_sessionmaker'>, connection_string=None, engine_config=<factory>, session_maker=None, engine_instance=None, create_all=False, metadata=None, enable_touch_updated_timestamp_listener=True, bind_key=None, alembic_config=<factory>, app=None, commit_mode='manual', engine_key='db_engine', session_key='db_session', session_maker_key='session_maker_class')
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.SQLAlchemySyncConfig[source]
SQLAlchemy Sync config for Starlette.
- app: Starlette | None = None
The Starlette application instance.
- commit_mode: Literal['manual', 'autocommit', 'autocommit_include_redirect'] = 'manual'
The commit mode to use for database sessions.
- __init__(create_engine_callable=<function create_engine>, session_config=<factory>, session_maker_class=<class 'sqlalchemy.orm.session.sessionmaker'>, connection_string=None, engine_config=<factory>, session_maker=None, engine_instance=None, create_all=False, metadata=None, enable_touch_updated_timestamp_listener=True, bind_key=None, alembic_config=<factory>, app=None, commit_mode='manual', engine_key='db_engine', session_key='db_session', session_maker_key='session_maker_class')
- engine_key: str = 'db_engine'
Key to use for the dependency injection of database engines.
- session_key: str = 'db_session'
Key to use for the dependency injection of database sessions.
- session_maker_key: str = 'session_maker_class'
Key under which to store the SQLAlchemy
in the application state instance.
- engine_config: EngineConfig
Configuration for the SQLAlchemy engine.
The configuration options are documented in the SQLAlchemy documentation.
- init_app(app)[source]
Initialize the Starlette application with this configuration.
- async on_startup()[source]
Initialize the Starlette application with this configuration.
- Return type:
- create_session_maker()[source]
Get a session maker. If none exists yet, create one.
- Returns:
Session factory used by the plugin.
- Return type:
Callable[[], Session]
- async session_handler(session, request, response)[source]
Handles the session after a request is processed.
Applies the commit strategy and ensures the session is closed.
- Parameters:
session¶ (sqlalchemy.orm.Session | sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession) – The database session.
request¶ (starlette.requests.Request) – The incoming HTTP request.
response¶ (starlette.responses.Response) – The outgoing HTTP response.
- Return type:
- Returns:
- async middleware_dispatch(request, call_next)[source]
Middleware dispatch function to handle requests and responses.
Processes the request, invokes the next middleware or route handler, and applies the session handler after the response is generated.
- class advanced_alchemy.extensions.starlette.SyncSessionConfig[source]
]Configuration for synchronous SQLAlchemy sessions.
- __init__(autobegin=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, autoflush=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, bind=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, binds=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, class_=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, expire_on_commit=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, info=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, join_transaction_mode=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, query_cls=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>, twophase=<class 'advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty'>)