Source code for advanced_alchemy.types.encrypted_string

import abc
import base64
import contextlib
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union

from sqlalchemy import String, Text, TypeDecorator
from sqlalchemy import func as sql_func

from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import IntegrityError

    from sqlalchemy.engine import Dialect

cryptography = None  # type: ignore[var-annotated,unused-ignore]
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
    from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
    from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes

__all__ = ("EncryptedString", "EncryptedText", "EncryptionBackend", "FernetBackend", "PGCryptoBackend")

[docs] class EncryptionBackend(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for encryption backends. This class defines the interface that all encryption backends must implement. Concrete implementations should provide the actual encryption/decryption logic. Attributes: passphrase (bytes): The encryption passphrase used by the backend. """
[docs] def mount_vault(self, key: "Union[str, bytes]") -> None: """Mounts the vault with the provided encryption key. Args: key (str | bytes): The encryption key used to initialize the backend. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def init_engine(self, key: "Union[bytes, str]") -> None: # pragma: nocover """Initializes the encryption engine with the provided key. Args: key (bytes | str): The encryption key. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented by the subclass. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def encrypt(self, value: Any) -> str: # pragma: nocover """Encrypts the given value. Args: value (Any): The value to encrypt. Returns: str: The encrypted value. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented by the subclass. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def decrypt(self, value: Any) -> str: # pragma: nocover """Decrypts the given value. Args: value (Any): The value to decrypt. Returns: str: The decrypted value. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented by the subclass. """
[docs] class PGCryptoBackend(EncryptionBackend): """PostgreSQL pgcrypto-based encryption backend. This backend uses PostgreSQL's pgcrypto extension for encryption/decryption operations. Requires the pgcrypto extension to be installed in the database. Attributes: passphrase (bytes): The base64-encoded passphrase used for encryption and decryption. """
[docs] def init_engine(self, key: "Union[bytes, str]") -> None: """Initializes the pgcrypto engine with the provided key. Args: key (bytes | str): The encryption key. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode() self.passphrase = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(key)
[docs] def encrypt(self, value: Any) -> str: """Encrypts the given value using pgcrypto. Args: value (Any): The value to encrypt. Returns: str: The encrypted value. Raises: TypeError: If the value is not a string. """ if not isinstance(value, str): # pragma: nocover value = repr(value) value = value.encode() return sql_func.pgp_sym_encrypt(value, self.passphrase) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def decrypt(self, value: Any) -> str: """Decrypts the given value using pgcrypto. Args: value (Any): The value to decrypt. Returns: str: The decrypted value. Raises: TypeError: If the value is not a string. """ if not isinstance(value, str): # pragma: nocover value = str(value) return sql_func.pgp_sym_decrypt(value, self.passphrase) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] class FernetBackend(EncryptionBackend): """Fernet-based encryption backend. This backend uses the Python cryptography library's Fernet implementation for encryption/decryption operations. Provides symmetric encryption with built-in rotation support. Attributes: key (bytes): The base64-encoded key used for encryption and decryption. fernet (cryptography.fernet.Fernet): The Fernet instance used for encryption/decryption. """
[docs] def mount_vault(self, key: "Union[str, bytes]") -> None: """Mounts the vault with the provided encryption key. This method hashes the key using SHA256 before initializing the engine. Args: key (str | bytes): The encryption key. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode() digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), backend=default_backend()) # pyright: ignore[reportPossiblyUnboundVariable] digest.update(key) engine_key = digest.finalize() self.init_engine(engine_key)
[docs] def init_engine(self, key: "Union[bytes, str]") -> None: """Initializes the Fernet engine with the provided key. Args: key (bytes | str): The encryption key. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode() self.key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(key) self.fernet = Fernet(self.key) # pyright: ignore[reportPossiblyUnboundVariable]
[docs] def encrypt(self, value: Any) -> str: """Encrypts the given value using Fernet. Args: value (Any): The value to encrypt. Returns: str: The encrypted value. Raises: TypeError: If the value is not a string. cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken: If encryption fails. """ if not isinstance(value, str): value = repr(value) value = value.encode() encrypted = self.fernet.encrypt(value) return encrypted.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def decrypt(self, value: Any) -> str: """Decrypts the given value using Fernet. Args: value (Any): The value to decrypt. Returns: str: The decrypted value. Raises: TypeError: If the value is not a string. cryptography.fernet.InvalidToken: If decryption fails. """ if not isinstance(value, str): # pragma: nocover value = str(value) decrypted: Union[str, bytes] = self.fernet.decrypt(value.encode()) if not isinstance(decrypted, str): decrypted = decrypted.decode("utf-8") # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] return decrypted
[docs] class EncryptedString(TypeDecorator[str]): """SQLAlchemy TypeDecorator for storing encrypted string values in a database. This type provides transparent encryption/decryption of string values using the specified backend. It extends :class:`sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator` and implements String as its underlying type. Args: key (str | bytes | Callable[[], str | bytes] | None): The encryption key. Can be a string, bytes, or callable returning either. Defaults to os.urandom(32). backend (Type[EncryptionBackend] | None): The encryption backend class to use. Defaults to FernetBackend. length (int | None): The length of the unencrypted string. This is used for documentation and validation purposes only, as encrypted strings will be longer. **kwargs (Any | None): Additional arguments passed to the underlying String type. Attributes: key (str | bytes | Callable[[], str | bytes]): The encryption key. backend (EncryptionBackend): The encryption backend instance. length (int | None): The unencrypted string length. """ impl = String cache_ok = True
[docs] def __init__( self, key: "Union[str, bytes, Callable[[], Union[str, bytes]]]" = DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY, backend: "type[EncryptionBackend]" = FernetBackend, length: "Optional[int]" = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Initializes the EncryptedString TypeDecorator. Args: key (str | bytes | Callable[[], str | bytes] | None): The encryption key. Can be a string, bytes, or callable returning either. Defaults to os.urandom(32). backend (Type[EncryptionBackend] | None): The encryption backend class to use. Defaults to FernetBackend. length (int | None): The length of the unencrypted string. This is used for documentation and validation purposes only. **kwargs (Any | None): Additional arguments passed to the underlying String type. """ super().__init__() self.key = key self.backend = backend() self.length = length
@property def python_type(self) -> type[str]: """Returns the Python type for this type decorator. Returns: Type[str]: The Python string type. """ return str
[docs] def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect: "Dialect") -> Any: """Loads the appropriate dialect implementation based on the database dialect. Note: The actual column length will be larger than the specified length due to encryption overhead. For most encryption methods, the encrypted string will be approximately 1.35x longer than the original. Args: dialect (Dialect): The SQLAlchemy dialect. Returns: Any: The dialect-specific type descriptor. """ if in {"mysql", "mariadb"}: # For MySQL/MariaDB, always use Text to avoid length limitations return dialect.type_descriptor(Text()) if == "oracle": # Oracle has a 4000-byte limit for VARCHAR2 (by default) return dialect.type_descriptor(String(length=4000)) return dialect.type_descriptor(String())
[docs] def process_bind_param(self, value: Any, dialect: "Dialect") -> "Union[str, None]": """Processes the value before binding it to the SQL statement. This method encrypts the value using the specified backend and validates length if specified. Args: value (Any): The value to process. dialect (Dialect): The SQLAlchemy dialect. Returns: str | None: The encrypted value or None if the input is None. Raises: ValueError: If the value exceeds the specified length. """ if value is None: return value # Validate length if specified if self.length is not None and len(str(value)) > self.length: msg = f"Unencrypted value exceeds maximum unencrypted length of {self.length}" raise IntegrityError(msg) self.mount_vault() return self.backend.encrypt(value)
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value: Any, dialect: "Dialect") -> "Union[str, None]": """Processes the value after retrieving it from the database. This method decrypts the value using the specified backend. Args: value (Any): The value to process. dialect (Dialect): The SQLAlchemy dialect. Returns: str | None: The decrypted value or None if the input is None. """ if value is None: return value self.mount_vault() return self.backend.decrypt(value)
[docs] def mount_vault(self) -> None: """Mounts the vault with the encryption key. If the key is callable, it is called to retrieve the key. Otherwise, the key is used directly. """ key = self.key() if callable(self.key) else self.key self.backend.mount_vault(key)
[docs] class EncryptedText(EncryptedString): """SQLAlchemy TypeDecorator for storing encrypted text/CLOB values in a database. This type provides transparent encryption/decryption of text values using the specified backend. It extends :class:`EncryptedString` and implements Text as its underlying type. This is suitable for storing larger encrypted text content compared to EncryptedString. Args: key (str | bytes | Callable[[], str | bytes] | None): The encryption key. Can be a string, bytes, or callable returning either. Defaults to os.urandom(32). backend (Type[EncryptionBackend] | None): The encryption backend class to use. Defaults to FernetBackend. **kwargs (Any | None): Additional arguments passed to the underlying String type. """ impl = Text cache_ok = True
[docs] def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect: "Dialect") -> Any: """Loads the appropriate dialect implementation for Text type. Args: dialect (Dialect): The SQLAlchemy dialect. Returns: Any: The dialect-specific Text type descriptor. """ return dialect.type_descriptor(Text())