Source code for advanced_alchemy.service.typing

"""Service object implementation for SQLAlchemy.

RepositoryService object is generic on the domain model type which
should be a SQLAlchemy model.

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeGuard

from advanced_alchemy.repository.typing import ModelT
from advanced_alchemy.service._typing import (

    from import Sequence

    from advanced_alchemy.filters import StatementFilter

PYDANTIC_USE_FAILFAST = False  # leave permanently disabled for now

T = TypeVar("T")

FilterTypeT = TypeVar("FilterTypeT", bound="StatementFilter")
"""Type variable for filter types.


SupportedSchemaModel: TypeAlias = Union[Struct, BaseModel]
"""Type alias for objects that support to_dict or model_dump methods."""

ModelDTOT = TypeVar("ModelDTOT", bound="SupportedSchemaModel")
"""Type variable for model DTOs.

PydanticOrMsgspecT = SupportedSchemaModel
"""Type alias for pydantic or msgspec models.

:class:`msgspec.Struct` or :class:`pydantic.BaseModel`
ModelDictT: TypeAlias = "Union[dict[str, Any], ModelT, SupportedSchemaModel, DTOData[ModelT]]"
"""Type alias for model dictionaries.

- :type:`dict[str, Any]` | :class:`~advanced_alchemy.base.ModelProtocol` | :class:`msgspec.Struct` |  :class:`pydantic.BaseModel` | :class:`litestar.dto.data_structures.DTOData` | :class:`~advanced_alchemy.base.ModelProtocol`
ModelDictListT: TypeAlias = "Sequence[Union[dict[str, Any], ModelT, SupportedSchemaModel]]"
"""Type alias for model dictionary lists.

A list or sequence of any of the following:
- :type:`Sequence`[:type:`dict[str, Any]` | :class:`~advanced_alchemy.base.ModelProtocol` | :class:`msgspec.Struct` | :class:`pydantic.BaseModel`]

BulkModelDictT: TypeAlias = (
    "Union[Sequence[Union[dict[str, Any], ModelT, SupportedSchemaModel]], DTOData[list[ModelT]]]"
"""Type alias for bulk model dictionaries.

:type:`Sequence`[ :type:`dict[str, Any]` | :class:`~advanced_alchemy.base.ModelProtocol` | :class:`msgspec.Struct` :class:`pydantic.BaseModel`] | :class:`litestar.dto.data_structures.DTOData`

def get_type_adapter(f: type[T]) -> TypeAdapter[T]:
    """Caches and returns a pydantic type adapter.

        f: Type to create a type adapter for.

        return TypeAdapter(
            Annotated[f, FailFast()],
    return TypeAdapter(f)

[docs] def is_dto_data(v: Any) -> TypeGuard[DTOData[Any]]: """Check if a value is a Litestar DTOData object. Args: v: Value to check. Returns: bool """ return LITESTAR_INSTALLED and isinstance(v, DTOData)
[docs] def is_pydantic_model(v: Any) -> TypeGuard[BaseModel]: """Check if a value is a pydantic model. Args: v: Value to check. Returns: bool """ return PYDANTIC_INSTALLED and isinstance(v, BaseModel)
[docs] def is_msgspec_struct(v: Any) -> TypeGuard[Struct]: """Check if a value is a msgspec struct. Args: v: Value to check. Returns: bool """ return MSGSPEC_INSTALLED and isinstance(v, Struct)
def is_dataclass(obj: Any) -> TypeGuard[Any]: """Check if an object is a dataclass.""" return hasattr(obj, "__dataclass_fields__") def is_dataclass_with_field(obj: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[object]: # Can't specify dataclass type directly """Check if an object is a dataclass and has a specific field.""" return is_dataclass(obj) and hasattr(obj, field_name) def is_dataclass_without_field(obj: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[object]: """Check if an object is a dataclass and does not have a specific field.""" return is_dataclass(obj) and not hasattr(obj, field_name)
[docs] def is_dict(v: Any) -> TypeGuard[dict[str, Any]]: """Check if a value is a dictionary. Args: v: Value to check. Returns: bool """ return isinstance(v, dict)
[docs] def is_dict_with_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[dict[str, Any]]: """Check if a dictionary has a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_dict(v) and field_name in v
[docs] def is_dict_without_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[dict[str, Any]]: """Check if a dictionary does not have a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_dict(v) and field_name not in v
[docs] def is_pydantic_model_with_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[BaseModel]: """Check if a pydantic model has a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_pydantic_model(v) and hasattr(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_pydantic_model_without_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[BaseModel]: """Check if a pydantic model does not have a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_pydantic_model(v) and not hasattr(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_msgspec_struct_with_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> TypeGuard[Struct]: """Check if a msgspec struct has a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_msgspec_struct(v) and hasattr(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_msgspec_struct_without_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> "TypeGuard[Struct]": """Check if a msgspec struct does not have a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_msgspec_struct(v) and not hasattr(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_schema(v: Any) -> "TypeGuard[SupportedSchemaModel]": """Check if a value is a msgspec Struct or Pydantic model. Args: v: Value to check. Returns: bool """ return is_msgspec_struct(v) or is_pydantic_model(v)
[docs] def is_schema_or_dict(v: Any) -> "TypeGuard[Union[SupportedSchemaModel, dict[str, Any]]]": """Check if a value is a msgspec Struct, Pydantic model, or dict. Args: v: Value to check. Returns: bool """ return is_schema(v) or is_dict(v)
[docs] def is_schema_with_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> "TypeGuard[SupportedSchemaModel]": """Check if a value is a msgspec Struct or Pydantic model with a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_msgspec_struct_with_field(v, field_name) or is_pydantic_model_with_field(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_schema_without_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> "TypeGuard[SupportedSchemaModel]": """Check if a value is a msgspec Struct or Pydantic model without a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return not is_schema_with_field(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_schema_or_dict_with_field(v: Any, field_name: str) -> "TypeGuard[Union[SupportedSchemaModel, dict[str, Any]]]": """Check if a value is a msgspec Struct, Pydantic model, or dict with a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return is_schema_with_field(v, field_name) or is_dict_with_field(v, field_name)
[docs] def is_schema_or_dict_without_field( v: Any, field_name: str ) -> "TypeGuard[Union[SupportedSchemaModel, dict[str, Any]]]": """Check if a value is a msgspec Struct, Pydantic model, or dict without a specific field. Args: v: Value to check. field_name: Field name to check for. Returns: bool """ return not is_schema_or_dict_with_field(v, field_name)
@overload def schema_dump( data: "Union[dict[str, Any], SupportedSchemaModel, DTOData[ModelT]]", exclude_unset: bool = True ) -> "Union[dict[str, Any], ModelT]": ... @overload def schema_dump(data: ModelT, exclude_unset: bool = True) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] def schema_dump( # noqa: PLR0911 data: "Union[dict[str, Any], ModelT, SupportedSchemaModel, DTOData[ModelT]]", exclude_unset: bool = True ) -> "Union[dict[str, Any], ModelT]": """Dump a data object to a dictionary. Args: data: :type:`dict[str, Any]` | :class:`advanced_alchemy.base.ModelProtocol` | :class:`msgspec.Struct` | :class:`pydantic.BaseModel` | :class:`litestar.dto.data_structures.DTOData[ModelT]` exclude_unset: :type:`bool` Whether to exclude unset values. Returns: Union[:type: dict[str, Any], :class:`~advanced_alchemy.base.ModelProtocol`] """ if is_dict(data): return data if is_pydantic_model(data): return data.model_dump(exclude_unset=exclude_unset) if is_msgspec_struct(data): if exclude_unset: return {f: val for f in data.__struct_fields__ if (val := getattr(data, f, None)) != UNSET} return {f: getattr(data, f, None) for f in data.__struct_fields__} if is_dto_data(data): return cast("dict[str, Any]", data.as_builtins()) if hasattr(data, "__dict__"): return data.__dict__ return cast("ModelT", data) # type: ignore[no-return-any]
__all__ = ( "LITESTAR_INSTALLED", "MSGSPEC_INSTALLED", "PYDANTIC_INSTALLED", "PYDANTIC_USE_FAILFAST", "UNSET", "BaseModel", "BulkModelDictT", "DTOData", "FailFast", "FilterTypeT", "ModelDTOT", "ModelDictListT", "ModelDictT", "PydanticOrMsgspecT", "Struct", "SupportedSchemaModel", "TypeAdapter", "UnsetType", "convert", "get_type_adapter", "is_dataclass", "is_dataclass_with_field", "is_dataclass_without_field", "is_dict", "is_dict_with_field", "is_dict_without_field", "is_dto_data", "is_msgspec_struct", "is_msgspec_struct_with_field", "is_msgspec_struct_without_field", "is_pydantic_model", "is_pydantic_model_with_field", "is_pydantic_model_without_field", "is_schema", "is_schema_or_dict", "is_schema_or_dict_with_field", "is_schema_or_dict_without_field", "is_schema_with_field", "is_schema_without_field", "schema_dump", ) if TYPE_CHECKING: if not PYDANTIC_INSTALLED: from advanced_alchemy.service._typing import BaseModel, FailFast, TypeAdapter else: from pydantic import BaseModel, FailFast, TypeAdapter # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: TC004 if not MSGSPEC_INSTALLED: from advanced_alchemy.service._typing import UNSET, Struct, UnsetType, convert else: from msgspec import UNSET, Struct, UnsetType, convert # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: TC004 if not LITESTAR_INSTALLED: from advanced_alchemy.service._typing import DTOData else: from litestar.dto import DTOData # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: TC004