Source code for advanced_alchemy.repository._util

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import (

from sqlalchemy.orm import InstrumentedAttribute, MapperProperty, RelationshipProperty, joinedload, selectinload
from sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options import (
    _AbstractLoad,  # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]  # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement, ColumnExpressionArgument
from sqlalchemy.sql.base import ExecutableOption
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import ErrorMessages
from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import wrap_sqlalchemy_exception as _wrap_sqlalchemy_exception
from advanced_alchemy.filters import (
from advanced_alchemy.repository.typing import ModelT, OrderingPair

    from sqlalchemy import (

    from advanced_alchemy.base import ModelProtocol

WhereClauseT = ColumnExpressionArgument[bool]
SingleLoad: TypeAlias = Union[
LoadCollection: TypeAlias = Sequence[Union[SingleLoad, Sequence[SingleLoad]]]
ExecutableOptions: TypeAlias = Sequence[ExecutableOption]
LoadSpec: TypeAlias = Union[LoadCollection, SingleLoad, ExecutableOption, ExecutableOptions]

OrderByT: TypeAlias = Union[

# NOTE: For backward compatibility with Litestar - this is imported from here within the litestar codebase.
wrap_sqlalchemy_exception = _wrap_sqlalchemy_exception

    "integrity": "There was a data validation error during processing",
    "foreign_key": "A foreign key is missing or invalid",
    "multiple_rows": "Multiple matching rows found",
    "duplicate_key": "A record matching the supplied data already exists.",
    "other": "There was an error during data processing",
    "check_constraint": "The data failed a check constraint during processing",

def get_instrumented_attr(
    model: type[ModelProtocol],
    key: str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any],
) -> InstrumentedAttribute[Any]:
    if isinstance(key, str):
        return cast("InstrumentedAttribute[Any]", getattr(model, key))
    return key

[docs]def model_from_dict(model: type[ModelT], **kwargs: Any) -> ModelT: """Return ORM Object from Dictionary.""" data = { column_name: kwargs[column_name] for column_name in model.__mapper__.columns.keys() # noqa: SIM118 # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType] if column_name in kwargs } return model(**data)
def get_abstract_loader_options( loader_options: LoadSpec | None, default_loader_options: List[_AbstractLoad] | None = None, # noqa: UP006 default_options_have_wildcards: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[List[_AbstractLoad], bool]: # noqa: UP006 loads: List[_AbstractLoad] = default_loader_options if default_loader_options is not None else [] # noqa: UP006 options_have_wildcards = default_options_have_wildcards if loader_options is None: return (loads, options_have_wildcards) if isinstance(loader_options, _AbstractLoad): return ([loader_options], options_have_wildcards) if isinstance(loader_options, InstrumentedAttribute): loader_options = [] if isinstance(loader_options, RelationshipProperty): class_ = loader_options.class_attribute return ( [selectinload(class_)] if loader_options.uselist else [joinedload(class_, innerjoin=loader_options.innerjoin)], options_have_wildcards if loader_options.uselist else True, ) if isinstance(loader_options, str) and loader_options == "*": options_have_wildcards = True return ([joinedload("*")], options_have_wildcards) if isinstance(loader_options, (list, tuple)): for attribute in loader_options: # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType] if isinstance(attribute, (list, tuple)): load_chain, options_have_wildcards = get_abstract_loader_options( loader_options=attribute, # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] default_options_have_wildcards=options_have_wildcards, ) loader = load_chain[-1] for sub_load in load_chain[-2::-1]: loader = sub_load.options(loader) loads.append(loader) else: load_chain, options_have_wildcards = get_abstract_loader_options( loader_options=attribute, # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] default_options_have_wildcards=options_have_wildcards, ) loads.extend(load_chain) return (loads, options_have_wildcards)
[docs]class FilterableRepositoryProtocol(Protocol[ModelT]): model_type: type[ModelT]
class FilterableRepository(FilterableRepositoryProtocol[ModelT]): model_type: type[ModelT] _prefer_any: bool = False prefer_any_dialects: tuple[str] | None = ("postgresql",) """List of dialects that prefer to use `` = ANY(:1)`` instead of `` IN (...)``.""" order_by: list[OrderingPair] | OrderingPair | None = None """List of ordering pairs to use for sorting.""" def _apply_filters( self, *filters: StatementFilter | ColumnElement[bool], apply_pagination: bool = True, statement: StatementLambdaElement, ) -> StatementLambdaElement: """Apply filters to a select statement. Args: *filters: filter types to apply to the query apply_pagination: applies pagination filters if true statement: select statement to apply filters Keyword Args: select: select to apply filters against Returns: The select with filters applied. """ for filter_ in filters: if isinstance(filter_, (PaginationFilter,)): if apply_pagination: statement = filter_.append_to_lambda_statement(statement, self.model_type) elif isinstance(filter_, (InAnyFilter,)): statement = filter_.append_to_lambda_statement(statement, self.model_type, prefer_any=self._prefer_any) elif isinstance(filter_, ColumnElement): statement = self._filter_by_expression(expression=filter_, statement=statement) else: statement = filter_.append_to_lambda_statement(statement, self.model_type) return statement def _filter_select_by_kwargs( self, statement: StatementLambdaElement, kwargs: dict[Any, Any] | Iterable[tuple[Any, Any]], ) -> StatementLambdaElement: for key, val in dict(kwargs).items(): statement = self._filter_by_where(statement=statement, field_name=key, value=val) return statement def _filter_by_expression( self, statement: StatementLambdaElement, expression: ColumnElement[bool], ) -> StatementLambdaElement: statement += lambda s: s.where(expression) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownLambdaType,reportUnknownMemberType] return statement def _filter_by_where( self, statement: StatementLambdaElement, field_name: str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any], value: Any, ) -> StatementLambdaElement: field = get_instrumented_attr(self.model_type, field_name) statement += lambda s: s.where(field == value) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownLambdaType,reportUnknownMemberType] return statement def _apply_order_by( self, statement: StatementLambdaElement, order_by: list[tuple[str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any], bool]] | tuple[str | InstrumentedAttribute[Any], bool], ) -> StatementLambdaElement: if not isinstance(order_by, list): order_by = [order_by] for order_field, is_desc in order_by: field = get_instrumented_attr(self.model_type, order_field) statement = self._order_by_attribute(statement, field, is_desc) return statement def _order_by_attribute( self, statement: StatementLambdaElement, field: InstrumentedAttribute[Any], is_desc: bool, ) -> StatementLambdaElement: fragment = field.desc() if is_desc else field.asc() statement += lambda s: s.order_by(fragment) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownLambdaType,reportUnknownMemberType] return statement