Source code for advanced_alchemy.repository._async

import random
import string
from import Iterable, Sequence
from typing import (

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy import func as sql_func
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.scoping import async_scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import InstrumentedAttribute
from sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options import _AbstractLoad  # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.dml import ReturningDelete, ReturningUpdate

from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import ErrorMessages, NotFoundError, RepositoryError, wrap_sqlalchemy_exception
from advanced_alchemy.filters import StatementFilter, StatementTypeT
from advanced_alchemy.repository._util import (
from advanced_alchemy.repository.typing import MISSING, ModelT, OrderingPair, T
from advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass import Empty, EmptyType
from advanced_alchemy.utils.text import slugify

    from sqlalchemy.engine.interfaces import _CoreSingleExecuteParams  # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]


[docs] @runtime_checkable class SQLAlchemyAsyncRepositoryProtocol(FilterableRepositoryProtocol[ModelT], Protocol[ModelT]): """Base Protocol""" id_attribute: str match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None statement: Select[tuple[ModelT]] session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]] auto_expunge: bool auto_refresh: bool auto_commit: bool order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None error_messages: Optional[ErrorMessages] = None wrap_exceptions: bool = True
[docs] def __init__(
self, *, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]], auto_expunge: bool = False, auto_refresh: bool = True, auto_commit: bool = False, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, wrap_exceptions: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod def get_id_attribute_value(
cls, item: Union[ModelT, type[ModelT]], id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, ) -> Any: ...
[docs] @classmethod def set_id_attribute_value(
cls, item_id: Any, item: ModelT, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] @staticmethod def check_not_found(item_or_none: Optional[ModelT]) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def add(
self, data: ModelT, *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def add_many(
self, data: list[ModelT], *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, ) -> Sequence[ModelT]: ...
[docs] async def delete(
self, item_id: Any, *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def delete_many(
self, item_ids: list[Any], *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Sequence[ModelT]: ...
[docs] async def delete_where(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, sanity_check: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Sequence[ModelT]: ...
[docs] async def exists(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> bool: ...
[docs] async def get(
self, item_id: Any, *, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def get_one(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def get_one_or_none(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[ModelT]: ...
[docs] async def get_or_upsert(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, upsert: bool = True, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[ModelT, bool]: ...
[docs] async def get_and_update(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[ModelT, bool]: ...
[docs] async def count(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> int: ...
[docs] async def update(
self, data: ModelT, *, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def update_many(
self, data: list[ModelT], *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> list[ModelT]: ... def _get_update_many_statement( self, model_type: type[ModelT], supports_returning: bool, loader_options: Optional[list[_AbstractLoad]], execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]], ) -> Union[Update, ReturningUpdate[tuple[ModelT]]]: ...
[docs] async def upsert(
self, data: ModelT, *, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> ModelT: ...
[docs] async def upsert_many(
self, data: list[ModelT], *, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, no_merge: bool = False, match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> list[ModelT]: ...
[docs] async def list_and_count(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, count_with_window_function: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[ModelT], int]: ...
[docs] async def list(
self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[ModelT]: ...
[docs] @classmethod async def check_health(cls, session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]]) -> bool: ...
[docs] @runtime_checkable class SQLAlchemyAsyncSlugRepositoryProtocol(SQLAlchemyAsyncRepositoryProtocol[ModelT], Protocol[ModelT]): """Protocol for SQLAlchemy repositories that support slug-based operations. Extends the base repository protocol to add slug-related functionality. Type Parameters: ModelT: The SQLAlchemy model type this repository handles. """
[docs] async def get_by_slug( self, slug: str, *, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[ModelT]: """Get a model instance by its slug. Args: slug: The slug value to search for. error_messages: Optional custom error message templates. load: Specification for eager loading of relationships. execution_options: Options for statement execution. **kwargs: Additional filtering criteria. Returns: ModelT | None: The found model instance or None if not found. """ ...
[docs] async def get_available_slug( self, value_to_slugify: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> str: """Generate a unique slug for a given value. Args: value_to_slugify: The string to convert to a slug. **kwargs: Additional parameters for slug generation. Returns: str: A unique slug derived from the input value. """ ...
[docs] class SQLAlchemyAsyncRepository(SQLAlchemyAsyncRepositoryProtocol[ModelT], FilterableRepository[ModelT]): """Async SQLAlchemy repository implementation. Provides a complete implementation of async database operations using SQLAlchemy, including CRUD operations, filtering, and relationship loading. Type Parameters: ModelT: The SQLAlchemy model type this repository handles. .. seealso:: :class:`~advanced_alchemy.repository._util.FilterableRepository` """ id_attribute: str = "id" """Name of the unique identifier for the model.""" loader_options: Optional[LoadSpec] = None """Default loader options for the repository.""" error_messages: Optional[ErrorMessages] = None """Default error messages for the repository.""" wrap_exceptions: bool = True """Wrap SQLAlchemy exceptions in a ``RepositoryError``. When set to ``False``, the original exception will be raised.""" inherit_lazy_relationships: bool = True """Optionally ignore the default ``lazy`` configuration for model relationships. This is useful for when you want to replace instead of merge the model's loaded relationships with the ones specified in the ``load`` or ``default_loader_options`` configuration.""" merge_loader_options: bool = True """Merges the default loader options with the loader options specified in the ``load`` argument. This is useful for when you want to totally replace instead of merge the model's loaded relationships with the ones specified in the ``load`` or ``default_loader_options`` configuration.""" execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None """Default execution options for the repository.""" match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None """List of dialects that prefer to use `` = ANY(:1)`` instead of `` IN (...)``.""" uniquify: bool = False """Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. This is useful for certain SQLAlchemy uses cases such as applying ``contains_eager`` to a query containing a one-to-many relationship """ count_with_window_function: bool = True """Use an analytical window function to count results. This allows the count to be performed in a single query. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]], auto_expunge: bool = False, auto_refresh: bool = True, auto_commit: bool = False, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, wrap_exceptions: bool = True, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, count_with_window_function: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Repository for SQLAlchemy models. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. session: Session managing the unit-of-work for the operation. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_refresh: Refresh object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. order_by: Set default order options for queries. load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options error_messages: A set of custom error messages to use for operations wrap_exceptions: Wrap SQLAlchemy exceptions in a ``RepositoryError``. When set to ``False``, the original exception will be raised. uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. count_with_window_function: When false, list and count will use two queries instead of an analytical window function. **kwargs: Additional arguments. """ self.auto_expunge = auto_expunge self.auto_refresh = auto_refresh self.auto_commit = auto_commit self.order_by = order_by self.session = session self.error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages ) self.wrap_exceptions = wrap_exceptions self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) self.count_with_window_function = ( count_with_window_function if count_with_window_function is not None else self.count_with_window_function ) self._default_loader_options, self._loader_options_have_wildcards = get_abstract_loader_options( loader_options=load if load is not None else self.loader_options, inherit_lazy_relationships=self.inherit_lazy_relationships, merge_with_default=self.merge_loader_options, ) execution_options = execution_options if execution_options is not None else self.execution_options self._default_execution_options = execution_options or {} self.statement = select(self.model_type) if statement is None else statement self._dialect = self.session.bind.dialect if self.session.bind is not None else self.session.get_bind().dialect self._prefer_any = any( == engine_type for engine_type in self.prefer_any_dialects or ())
def _get_uniquify(self, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: return bool(uniquify) if uniquify is not None else self.uniquify @staticmethod def _get_error_messages( error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, default_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, ) -> Optional[ErrorMessages]: if error_messages == Empty: error_messages = None if default_messages == Empty: default_messages = None messages = DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATES if default_messages and isinstance(default_messages, dict): messages.update(default_messages) if error_messages: messages.update(cast("ErrorMessages", error_messages)) return messages
[docs] @classmethod def get_id_attribute_value( cls, item: Union[ModelT, type[ModelT]], id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, ) -> Any: """Get value of attribute named as :attr:`id_attribute` on ``item``. Args: item: Anything that should have an attribute named as :attr:`id_attribute` value. id_attribute: Allows customization of the unique identifier to use for model fetching. Defaults to `None`, but can reference any surrogate or candidate key for the table. Returns: The value of attribute on ``item`` named as :attr:`id_attribute`. """ if isinstance(id_attribute, InstrumentedAttribute): id_attribute = id_attribute.key return getattr(item, id_attribute if id_attribute is not None else cls.id_attribute)
[docs] @classmethod def set_id_attribute_value( cls, item_id: Any, item: ModelT, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, ) -> ModelT: """Return the ``item`` after the ID is set to the appropriate attribute. Args: item_id: Value of ID to be set on instance item: Anything that should have an attribute named as :attr:`id_attribute` value. id_attribute: Allows customization of the unique identifier to use for model fetching. Defaults to `None`, but can reference any surrogate or candidate key for the table. Returns: Item with ``item_id`` set to :attr:`id_attribute` """ if isinstance(id_attribute, InstrumentedAttribute): id_attribute = id_attribute.key setattr(item, id_attribute if id_attribute is not None else cls.id_attribute, item_id) return item
[docs] @staticmethod def check_not_found(item_or_none: Optional[ModelT]) -> ModelT: """Raise :exc:`advanced_alchemy.exceptions.NotFoundError` if ``item_or_none`` is ``None``. Args: item_or_none: Item (:class:`T <T>`) to be tested for existence. Returns: The item, if it exists. """ if item_or_none is None: msg = "No item found when one was expected" raise NotFoundError(msg) return item_or_none
def _get_execution_options( self, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: if execution_options is None: return self._default_execution_options return execution_options def _get_loader_options( self, loader_options: Optional[LoadSpec], ) -> Union[tuple[list[_AbstractLoad], bool], tuple[None, bool]]: if loader_options is None: # use the defaults set at initialization return self._default_loader_options, self._loader_options_have_wildcards or self.uniquify return get_abstract_loader_options( loader_options=loader_options, default_loader_options=self._default_loader_options, default_options_have_wildcards=self._loader_options_have_wildcards or self.uniquify, inherit_lazy_relationships=self.inherit_lazy_relationships, merge_with_default=self.merge_loader_options, )
[docs] async def add( self, data: ModelT, *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, ) -> ModelT: """Add ``data`` to the collection. Args: data: Instance to be added to the collection. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_refresh: Refresh object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients Returns: The added instance. """ error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, instance = await self._attach_to_session(data) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) await self._refresh(instance, auto_refresh=auto_refresh) self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def add_many( self, data: list[ModelT], *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, ) -> Sequence[ModelT]: """Add many `data` to the collection. Args: data: list of Instances to be added to the collection. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients Returns: The added instances. """ error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, self.session.add_all(data) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) for datum in data: self._expunge(datum, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return data
[docs] async def delete( self, item_id: Any, *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> ModelT: """Delete instance identified by ``item_id``. Args: item_id: Identifier of instance to be deleted. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. id_attribute: Allows customization of the unique identifier to use for model fetching. Defaults to `id`, but can reference any surrogate or candidate key for the table. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The deleted instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found identified by ``item_id``. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) instance = await self.get( item_id, id_attribute=id_attribute, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, ) await self.session.delete(instance) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def delete_many( self, item_ids: list[Any], *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Sequence[ModelT]: """Delete instance identified by `item_id`. Args: item_ids: Identifier of instance to be deleted. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. id_attribute: Allows customization of the unique identifier to use for model fetching. Defaults to `id`, but can reference any surrogate or candidate key for the table. chunk_size: Allows customization of the ``insertmanyvalues_max_parameters`` setting for the driver. Defaults to `950` if left unset. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The deleted instances. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) loader_options, _loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) id_attribute = get_instrumented_attr( self.model_type, id_attribute if id_attribute is not None else self.id_attribute, ) instances: list[ModelT] = [] if self._prefer_any: chunk_size = len(item_ids) + 1 chunk_size = self._get_insertmanyvalues_max_parameters(chunk_size) for idx in range(0, len(item_ids), chunk_size): chunk = item_ids[idx : min(idx + chunk_size, len(item_ids))] if self._dialect.delete_executemany_returning: instances.extend( await self.session.scalars( self._get_delete_many_statement( statement_type="delete", model_type=self.model_type, id_attribute=id_attribute, id_chunk=chunk, supports_returning=self._dialect.delete_executemany_returning, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ), ), ) else: instances.extend( await self.session.scalars( self._get_delete_many_statement( statement_type="select", model_type=self.model_type, id_attribute=id_attribute, id_chunk=chunk, supports_returning=self._dialect.delete_executemany_returning, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ), ), ) await self.session.execute( self._get_delete_many_statement( statement_type="delete", model_type=self.model_type, id_attribute=id_attribute, id_chunk=chunk, supports_returning=self._dialect.delete_executemany_returning, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ), ) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) for instance in instances: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instances
def _get_insertmanyvalues_max_parameters(self, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None) -> int: return chunk_size if chunk_size is not None else DEFAULT_INSERTMANYVALUES_MAX_PARAMETERS
[docs] async def delete_where( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, sanity_check: bool = True, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Sequence[ModelT]: """Delete instances specified by referenced kwargs and filters. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients sanity_check: When true, the length of selected instances is compared to the deleted row count load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Arguments to apply to a delete Returns: The deleted instances. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) loader_options, _loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) model_type = self.model_type statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=delete(model_type), loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement=statement, kwargs=kwargs) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, statement=statement, apply_pagination=False) instances: list[ModelT] = [] if self._dialect.delete_executemany_returning: instances.extend(await self.session.scalars(statement.returning(model_type))) else: instances.extend( await self.list( *filters, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, auto_expunge=auto_expunge, **kwargs, ), ) result = await self.session.execute(statement) row_count = getattr(result, "rowcount", -2) if sanity_check and row_count >= 0 and len(instances) != row_count: # pyright: ignore # noqa: PGH003 # backends will return a -1 if they can't determine impacted rowcount # only compare length of selected instances to results if it's >= 0 await self.session.rollback() raise RepositoryError(detail="Deleted count does not match fetched count. Rollback issued.") await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) for instance in instances: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instances
[docs] async def exists( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> bool: """Return true if the object specified by ``kwargs`` exists. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Identifier of the instance to be retrieved. Returns: True if the instance was found. False if not found.. """ error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) existing = await self.count( *filters, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, error_messages=error_messages, **kwargs, ) return existing > 0
def _get_base_stmt( self, *, statement: StatementTypeT, loader_options: Optional[list[_AbstractLoad]], execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]], ) -> StatementTypeT: """Get base statement with options applied. Args: statement: The select statement to modify loader_options: Options for loading relationships execution_options: Options for statement execution Returns: Modified select statement """ if loader_options: statement = cast("StatementTypeT", statement.options(*loader_options)) if execution_options: statement = cast("StatementTypeT", statement.execution_options(**execution_options)) return statement def _get_delete_many_statement( self, *, model_type: type[ModelT], id_attribute: InstrumentedAttribute[Any], id_chunk: list[Any], supports_returning: bool, statement_type: Literal["delete", "select"] = "delete", loader_options: Optional[list[_AbstractLoad]], execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]], ) -> Union[Select[tuple[ModelT]], Delete, ReturningDelete[tuple[ModelT]]]: # Base statement is static statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=delete(model_type) if statement_type == "delete" else select(model_type), loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) if execution_options: statement = statement.execution_options(**execution_options) if supports_returning and statement_type != "select": statement = cast("ReturningDelete[tuple[ModelT]]", statement.returning(model_type)) # type: ignore[union-attr,assignment] # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownLambdaType,reportUnknownMemberType,reportAttributeAccessIssue,reportUnknownVariableType] if self._prefer_any: return statement.where(any_(id_chunk) == id_attribute) # type: ignore[arg-type] return statement.where(id_attribute.in_(id_chunk)) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType,reportUnknownVariableType]
[docs] async def get( self, item_id: Any, *, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> ModelT: """Get instance identified by `item_id`. Args: item_id: Identifier of the instance to be retrieved. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. id_attribute: Allows customization of the unique identifier to use for model fetching. Defaults to `id`, but can reference any surrogate or candidate key for the table. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The retrieved instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found identified by `item_id`. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) id_attribute = id_attribute if id_attribute is not None else self.id_attribute statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, [(id_attribute, item_id)]) instance = (await self._execute(statement, uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard)).scalar_one_or_none() instance = self.check_not_found(instance) self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def get_one( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ModelT: """Get instance identified by ``kwargs``. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Identifier of the instance to be retrieved. Returns: The retrieved instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found identified by `item_id`. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, apply_pagination=False, statement=statement) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, kwargs) instance = (await self._execute(statement, uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard)).scalar_one_or_none() instance = self.check_not_found(instance) self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def get_one_or_none( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[ModelT, None]: """Get instance identified by ``kwargs`` or None if not found. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Identifier of the instance to be retrieved. Returns: The retrieved instance or None """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, apply_pagination=False, statement=statement) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, kwargs) instance = cast( "Result[tuple[ModelT]]", (await self._execute(statement, uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard)), ).scalar_one_or_none() if instance: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def get_or_upsert( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, upsert: bool = True, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Union[bool, None] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[ModelT, bool]: """Get instance identified by ``kwargs`` or create if it doesn't exist. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. match_fields: a list of keys to use to match the existing model. When empty, all fields are matched. upsert: When using match_fields and actual model values differ from `kwargs`, automatically perform an update operation on the model. attribute_names: an iterable of attribute names to pass into the ``update`` method. with_for_update: indicating FOR UPDATE should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_refresh: Refresh object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Identifier of the instance to be retrieved. Returns: a tuple that includes the instance and whether it needed to be created. When using match_fields and actual model values differ from ``kwargs``, the model value will be updated. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, if match_fields := self._get_match_fields(match_fields=match_fields): match_filter = { field_name: kwargs.get(field_name) for field_name in match_fields if kwargs.get(field_name) is not None } else: match_filter = kwargs existing = await self.get_one_or_none( *filters, **match_filter, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, ) if not existing: return ( await self.add( self.model_type(**kwargs), auto_commit=auto_commit, auto_expunge=auto_expunge, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, ), True, ) if upsert: for field_name, new_field_value in kwargs.items(): field = getattr(existing, field_name, MISSING) if field is not MISSING and field != new_field_value: setattr(existing, field_name, new_field_value) existing = await self._attach_to_session(existing, strategy="merge") await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) await self._refresh( existing, attribute_names=attribute_names, with_for_update=with_for_update, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, ) self._expunge(existing, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return existing, False
[docs] async def get_and_update( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[ModelT, bool]: """Get instance identified by ``kwargs`` and update the model if the arguments are different. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. match_fields: a list of keys to use to match the existing model. When empty, all fields are matched. attribute_names: an iterable of attribute names to pass into the ``update`` method. with_for_update: indicating FOR UPDATE should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_refresh: Refresh object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Identifier of the instance to be retrieved. Returns: a tuple that includes the instance and whether it needed to be updated. When using match_fields and actual model values differ from ``kwargs``, the model value will be updated. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found identified by `item_id`. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, if match_fields := self._get_match_fields(match_fields=match_fields): match_filter = { field_name: kwargs.get(field_name) for field_name in match_fields if kwargs.get(field_name) is not None } else: match_filter = kwargs existing = await self.get_one(*filters, **match_filter, load=load, execution_options=execution_options) updated = False for field_name, new_field_value in kwargs.items(): field = getattr(existing, field_name, MISSING) if field is not MISSING and field != new_field_value: updated = True setattr(existing, field_name, new_field_value) existing = await self._attach_to_session(existing, strategy="merge") await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) await self._refresh( existing, attribute_names=attribute_names, with_for_update=with_for_update, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, ) self._expunge(existing, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return existing, updated
[docs] async def count( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> int: """Get the count of records returned by a query. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query, ignoring pagination. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, apply_pagination=False, statement=statement) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, kwargs) results = await self._execute( statement=self._get_count_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options ), uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard, ) return cast(int, results.scalar_one())
[docs] async def update( self, data: ModelT, *, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, id_attribute: Optional[Union[str, InstrumentedAttribute[Any]]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> ModelT: """Update instance with the attribute values present on `data`. Args: data: An instance that should have a value for `self.id_attribute` that exists in the collection. attribute_names: an iterable of attribute names to pass into the ``update`` method. with_for_update: indicating FOR UPDATE should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_refresh: Refresh object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. id_attribute: Allows customization of the unique identifier to use for model fetching. Defaults to `id`, but can reference any surrogate or candidate key for the table. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The updated instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found with same identifier as `data`. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, item_id = self.get_id_attribute_value( data, id_attribute=id_attribute, ) # this will raise for not found, and will put the item in the session await self.get(item_id, id_attribute=id_attribute, load=load, execution_options=execution_options) # this will merge the inbound data to the instance we just put in the session instance = await self._attach_to_session(data, strategy="merge") await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) await self._refresh( instance, attribute_names=attribute_names, with_for_update=with_for_update, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, ) self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def update_many( self, data: list[ModelT], *, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> list[ModelT]: """Update one or more instances with the attribute values present on `data`. This function has an optimized bulk update based on the configured SQL dialect: - For backends supporting `RETURNING` with `executemany`, a single bulk update with returning clause is executed. - For other backends, it does a bulk update and then returns the updated data after a refresh. Args: data: A list of instances to update. Each should have a value for `self.id_attribute` that exists in the collection. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The updated instances. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found with same identifier as `data`. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) data_to_update: list[dict[str, Any]] = [v.to_dict() if isinstance(v, self.model_type) else v for v in data] # type: ignore[misc] with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) loader_options = self._get_loader_options(load)[0] supports_returning = self._dialect.update_executemany_returning and != "oracle" statement = self._get_update_many_statement( self.model_type, supports_returning, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) if supports_returning: instances = list( await self.session.scalars( statement, cast("_CoreSingleExecuteParams", data_to_update), # this is not correct but the only way # currently to deal with an SQLAlchemy typing issue. See # execution_options=execution_options, ), ) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) for instance in instances: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instances await self.session.execute(statement, data_to_update, execution_options=execution_options) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) return data
def _get_update_many_statement( self, model_type: type[ModelT], supports_returning: bool, loader_options: Union[list[_AbstractLoad], None], execution_options: Union[dict[str, Any], None], ) -> Union[Update, ReturningUpdate[tuple[ModelT]]]: # Base update statement is static statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=update(table=model_type), loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options ) if supports_returning: return statement.returning(model_type) return statement
[docs] async def list_and_count( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, count_with_window_function: Optional[bool] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[ModelT], int]: """List records with total count. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. count_with_window_function: When false, list and count will use two queries instead of an analytical window function. order_by: Set default order options for queries. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query, ignoring pagination. """ self.count_with_window_function = ( count_with_window_function if count_with_window_function is not None else self.count_with_window_function ) self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) if in {"spanner", "spanner+spanner"} or count_with_window_function: return await self._list_and_count_basic( *filters, auto_expunge=auto_expunge, statement=statement, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, order_by=order_by, error_messages=error_messages, **kwargs, ) return await self._list_and_count_window( *filters, auto_expunge=auto_expunge, statement=statement, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, error_messages=error_messages, order_by=order_by, **kwargs, )
def _expunge(self, instance: ModelT, auto_expunge: Optional[bool]) -> None: if auto_expunge is None: auto_expunge = self.auto_expunge return self.session.expunge(instance) if auto_expunge else None async def _flush_or_commit(self, auto_commit: Optional[bool]) -> None: if auto_commit is None: auto_commit = self.auto_commit return await self.session.commit() if auto_commit else await self.session.flush() async def _refresh( self, instance: ModelT, auto_refresh: Optional[bool], attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> None: if auto_refresh is None: auto_refresh = self.auto_refresh return ( await self.session.refresh( instance=instance, attribute_names=attribute_names, with_for_update=with_for_update, ) if auto_refresh else None ) async def _list_and_count_window( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[ModelT], int]: """List records with total count. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. order_by: List[OrderingPair] | OrderingPair | None = None, error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query using an analytical window function, ignoring pagination. """ error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) if order_by is None: order_by = self.order_by or [] statement = self._apply_order_by(statement=statement, order_by=order_by) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, statement=statement) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, kwargs) result = await self._execute( statement.add_columns(over(sql_func.count())), uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard ) count: int = 0 instances: list[ModelT] = [] for i, (instance, count_value) in enumerate(result): self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) instances.append(instance) if i == 0: count = count_value return instances, count async def _list_and_count_basic( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[ModelT], int]: """List records with total count. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. order_by: Set default order options for queries. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query using 2 queries, ignoring pagination. """ error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) if order_by is None: order_by = self.order_by or [] statement = self._apply_order_by(statement=statement, order_by=order_by) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, statement=statement) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, kwargs) count_result = await self.session.execute( self._get_count_stmt( statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ), ) count = count_result.scalar_one() result = await self._execute(statement, uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard) instances: list[ModelT] = [] for (instance,) in result: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) instances.append(instance) return instances, count def _get_count_stmt( self, statement: Select[tuple[ModelT]], loader_options: Optional[list[_AbstractLoad]], execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]], ) -> Select[tuple[int]]: # Count statement transformations are static return ( statement.with_only_columns(sql_func.count(text("1")), maintain_column_froms=True) .limit(None) .offset(None) .order_by(None) )
[docs] async def upsert( self, data: ModelT, *, attribute_names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, with_for_update: Optional[bool] = None, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, auto_refresh: Optional[bool] = None, match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> ModelT: """Modify or create instance. Updates instance with the attribute values present on `data`, or creates a new instance if one doesn't exist. Args: data: Instance to update existing, or be created. Identifier used to determine if an existing instance exists is the value of an attribute on `data` named as value of `self.id_attribute`. attribute_names: an iterable of attribute names to pass into the ``update`` method. with_for_update: indicating FOR UPDATE should be used, or may be a dictionary containing flags to indicate a more specific set of FOR UPDATE flags for the SELECT auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_refresh: Refresh object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. match_fields: a list of keys to use to match the existing model. When empty, all fields are matched. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The updated or created instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found with same identifier as `data`. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) if match_fields := self._get_match_fields(match_fields=match_fields): match_filter = { field_name: getattr(data, field_name, None) for field_name in match_fields if getattr(data, field_name, None) is not None } elif getattr(data, self.id_attribute, None) is not None: match_filter = {self.id_attribute: getattr(data, self.id_attribute, None)} else: match_filter = data.to_dict(exclude={self.id_attribute}) existing = await self.get_one_or_none(load=load, execution_options=execution_options, **match_filter) if not existing: return await self.add( data, auto_commit=auto_commit, auto_expunge=auto_expunge, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, for field_name, new_field_value in data.to_dict(exclude={self.id_attribute}).items(): field = getattr(existing, field_name, MISSING) if field is not MISSING and field != new_field_value: setattr(existing, field_name, new_field_value) instance = await self._attach_to_session(existing, strategy="merge") await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) await self._refresh( instance, attribute_names=attribute_names, with_for_update=with_for_update, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, ) self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instance
[docs] async def upsert_many( self, data: list[ModelT], *, auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, auto_commit: Optional[bool] = None, no_merge: bool = False, match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> list[ModelT]: """Modify or create multiple instances. Update instances with the attribute values present on `data`, or create a new instance if one doesn't exist. !!! tip In most cases, you will want to set `match_fields` to the combination of attributes, excluded the primary key, that define uniqueness for a row. Args: data: Instance to update existing, or be created. Identifier used to determine if an existing instance exists is the value of an attribute on ``data`` named as value of :attr:`id_attribute`. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. auto_commit: Commit objects before returning. no_merge: Skip the usage of optimized Merge statements match_fields: a list of keys to use to match the existing model. When empty, automatically uses ``self.id_attribute`` (`id` by default) to match . error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set default relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. Returns: The updated or created instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found with same identifier as ``data``. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) instances: list[ModelT] = [] data_to_update: list[ModelT] = [] data_to_insert: list[ModelT] = [] match_fields = self._get_match_fields(match_fields=match_fields) if match_fields is None: match_fields = [self.id_attribute] match_filter: list[Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]]] = [] if match_fields: for field_name in match_fields: field = get_instrumented_attr(self.model_type, field_name) matched_values = [ field_data for datum in data if (field_data := getattr(datum, field_name)) is not None ] match_filter.append(any_(matched_values) == field if self._prefer_any else field.in_(matched_values)) # type: ignore[arg-type] with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, existing_objs = await self.list( *match_filter, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, auto_expunge=False, ) for field_name in match_fields: field = get_instrumented_attr(self.model_type, field_name) matched_values = list( {getattr(datum, field_name) for datum in existing_objs if datum}, # ensure the list is unique ) match_filter.append(any_(matched_values) == field if self._prefer_any else field.in_(matched_values)) # type: ignore[arg-type] existing_ids = self._get_object_ids(existing_objs=existing_objs) data = self._merge_on_match_fields(data, existing_objs, match_fields) for datum in data: if getattr(datum, self.id_attribute, None) in existing_ids: data_to_update.append(datum) else: data_to_insert.append(datum) if data_to_insert: instances.extend( await self.add_many(data_to_insert, auto_commit=False, auto_expunge=False), ) if data_to_update: instances.extend( await self.update_many( data_to_update, auto_commit=False, auto_expunge=False, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, ), ) await self._flush_or_commit(auto_commit=auto_commit) for instance in instances: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return instances
def _get_object_ids(self, existing_objs: list[ModelT]) -> list[Any]: return [obj_id for datum in existing_objs if (obj_id := getattr(datum, self.id_attribute)) is not None] def _get_match_fields( self, match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, id_attribute: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[list[str]]: id_attribute = id_attribute or self.id_attribute match_fields = match_fields or self.match_fields if isinstance(match_fields, str): match_fields = [match_fields] return match_fields def _merge_on_match_fields( self, data: list[ModelT], existing_data: list[ModelT], match_fields: Optional[Union[list[str], str]] = None, ) -> list[ModelT]: match_fields = self._get_match_fields(match_fields=match_fields) if match_fields is None: match_fields = [self.id_attribute] for existing_datum in existing_data: for _row_id, datum in enumerate(data): match = all( getattr(datum, field_name) == getattr(existing_datum, field_name) for field_name in match_fields ) if match and getattr(existing_datum, self.id_attribute) is not None: setattr(datum, self.id_attribute, getattr(existing_datum, self.id_attribute)) return data
[docs] async def list( self, *filters: Union[StatementFilter, ColumnElement[bool]], auto_expunge: Optional[bool] = None, statement: Optional[Select[tuple[ModelT]]] = None, order_by: Optional[Union[list[OrderingPair], OrderingPair]] = None, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[ModelT]: """Get a list of instances, optionally filtered. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. auto_expunge: Remove object from session before returning. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. order_by: Set default order options for queries. error_messages: An optional dictionary of templates to use for friendlier error messages to clients load: Set relationships to be loaded execution_options: Set default execution options uniquify: Optionally apply the ``unique()`` method to results before returning. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: The list of instances, after filtering applied. """ self.uniquify = self._get_uniquify(uniquify) error_messages = self._get_error_messages( error_messages=error_messages, default_messages=self.error_messages, ) with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=error_messages, execution_options = self._get_execution_options(execution_options) statement = self.statement if statement is None else statement loader_options, loader_options_have_wildcard = self._get_loader_options(load) statement = self._get_base_stmt( statement=statement, loader_options=loader_options, execution_options=execution_options, ) if order_by is None: order_by = self.order_by or [] statement = self._apply_order_by(statement=statement, order_by=order_by) statement = self._apply_filters(*filters, statement=statement) statement = self._filter_select_by_kwargs(statement, kwargs) result = await self._execute(statement, uniquify=loader_options_have_wildcard) instances = list(result.scalars()) for instance in instances: self._expunge(instance, auto_expunge=auto_expunge) return cast("list[ModelT]", instances)
[docs] @classmethod async def check_health(cls, session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]]) -> bool: """Perform a health check on the database. Args: session: through which we run a check statement Returns: ``True`` if healthy. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(): return ( # type: ignore[no-any-return] await session.execute(cls._get_health_check_statement(session)) ).scalar_one() == 1
@staticmethod def _get_health_check_statement(session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]]) -> TextClause: if session.bind and == "oracle": return text("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL") return text("SELECT 1") async def _attach_to_session( self, model: ModelT, strategy: Literal["add", "merge"] = "add", load: bool = True ) -> ModelT: """Attach detached instance to the session. Args: model: The instance to be attached to the session. strategy: How the instance should be attached. - "add": New instance added to session - "merge": Instance merged with existing, or new one added. load: Boolean, when False, merge switches into a "high performance" mode which causes it to forego emitting history events as well as all database access. This flag is used for cases such as transferring graphs of objects into a session from a second level cache, or to transfer just-loaded objects into the session owned by a worker thread or process without re-querying the database. Returns: Instance attached to the session - if `"merge"` strategy, may not be same instance that was provided. """ if strategy == "add": self.session.add(model) return model if strategy == "merge": return await self.session.merge(model, load=load) msg = "Unexpected value for `strategy`, must be `'add'` or `'merge'`" # type: ignore[unreachable] raise ValueError(msg) async def _execute( self, statement: Select[Any], uniquify: bool = False, ) -> Result[Any]: result = await self.session.execute(statement) if uniquify or self.uniquify: result = result.unique() return result
[docs] class SQLAlchemyAsyncSlugRepository( SQLAlchemyAsyncRepository[ModelT], SQLAlchemyAsyncSlugRepositoryProtocol[ModelT], ): """Extends the repository to include slug model features.."""
[docs] async def get_by_slug( self, slug: str, error_messages: Optional[Union[ErrorMessages, EmptyType]] = Empty, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, uniquify: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[ModelT]: """Select record by slug value.""" return await self.get_one_or_none( slug=slug, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, error_messages=error_messages, uniquify=uniquify, )
[docs] async def get_available_slug( self, value_to_slugify: str, **kwargs: Any, ) -> str: """Get a unique slug for the supplied value. If the value is found to exist, a random 4 digit character is appended to the end. Override this method to change the default behavior Args: value_to_slugify (str): A string that should be converted to a unique slug. **kwargs: stuff Returns: str: a unique slug for the supplied value. This is safe for URLs and other unique identifiers. """ slug = slugify(value_to_slugify) if await self._is_slug_unique(slug): return slug random_string = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=4)) # noqa: S311 return f"{slug}-{random_string}"
async def _is_slug_unique( self, slug: str, load: Optional[LoadSpec] = None, execution_options: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> bool: return await self.exists(slug=slug, load=load, execution_options=execution_options, **kwargs) is False
[docs] class SQLAlchemyAsyncQueryRepository: """SQLAlchemy Query Repository. This is a loosely typed helper to query for when you need to select data in ways that don't align to the normal repository pattern. """ error_messages: Optional[ErrorMessages] = None
[docs] def __init__( self, *, session: Union[AsyncSession, async_scoped_session[AsyncSession]], error_messages: Optional[ErrorMessages] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Repository pattern for SQLAlchemy models. Args: session: Session managing the unit-of-work for the operation. error_messages: A set of error messages to use for operations. **kwargs: Additional arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.session = session self.error_messages = error_messages self._dialect = self.session.bind.dialect if self.session.bind is not None else self.session.get_bind().dialect
[docs] async def get_one( self, statement: Select[tuple[Any]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Row[Any]: """Get instance identified by ``kwargs``. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: The retrieved instance. Raises: NotFoundError: If no instance found identified by `item_id`. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): statement = self._filter_statement_by_kwargs(statement, **kwargs) instance = (await self.execute(statement)).scalar_one_or_none() return self.check_not_found(instance)
[docs] async def get_one_or_none( self, statement: Select[Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Optional[Row[Any]]: """Get instance identified by ``kwargs`` or None if not found. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: The retrieved instance or None """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): statement = self._filter_statement_by_kwargs(statement, **kwargs) instance = (await self.execute(statement)).scalar_one_or_none() return instance or None
[docs] async def count(self, statement: Select[Any], **kwargs: Any) -> int: """Get the count of records returned by a query. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query, ignoring pagination. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): statement = statement.with_only_columns(sql_func.count(text("1")), maintain_column_froms=True).order_by( None, ) statement = self._filter_statement_by_kwargs(statement, **kwargs) results = await self.execute(statement) return results.scalar_one() # type: ignore # noqa: PGH003
[docs] async def list_and_count( self, statement: Select[Any], count_with_window_function: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[Row[Any]], int]: """List records with total count. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. count_with_window_function: Force list and count to use two queries instead of an analytical window function. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query, ignoring pagination. """ if in {"spanner", "spanner+spanner"} or count_with_window_function: return await self._list_and_count_basic(statement=statement, **kwargs) return await self._list_and_count_window(statement=statement, **kwargs)
async def _list_and_count_window( self, statement: Select[Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[Row[Any]], int]: """List records with total count. Args: *filters: Types for specific filtering operations. statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query using an analytical window function, ignoring pagination. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): statement = statement.add_columns(over(sql_func.count(text("1")))) statement = self._filter_statement_by_kwargs(statement, **kwargs) result = await self.execute(statement) count: int = 0 instances: list[Row[Any]] = [] for i, (instance, count_value) in enumerate(result): instances.append(instance) if i == 0: count = count_value return instances, count def _get_count_stmt(self, statement: Select[Any]) -> Select[Any]: return statement.with_only_columns(sql_func.count(text("1")), maintain_column_froms=True).order_by(None) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariable] async def _list_and_count_basic( self, statement: Select[Any], **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[list[Row[Any]], int]: """List records with total count. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. . **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: Count of records returned by query using 2 queries, ignoring pagination. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): statement = self._filter_statement_by_kwargs(statement, **kwargs) count_result = await self.session.execute(self._get_count_stmt(statement)) count = count_result.scalar_one() result = await self.execute(statement) instances: list[Row[Any]] = [] for (instance,) in result: instances.append(instance) return instances, count
[docs] async def list(self, statement: Select[Any], **kwargs: Any) -> list[Row[Any]]: """Get a list of instances, optionally filtered. Args: statement: To facilitate customization of the underlying select query. **kwargs: Instance attribute value filters. Returns: The list of instances, after filtering applied. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): statement = self._filter_statement_by_kwargs(statement, **kwargs) result = await self.execute(statement) return list(result.all())
def _filter_statement_by_kwargs( self, statement: Select[Any], /, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Select[Any]: """Filter the collection by kwargs. Args: statement: statement to filter **kwargs: key/value pairs such that objects remaining in the statement after filtering have the property that their attribute named `key` has value equal to `value`. """ with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(error_messages=self.error_messages): return statement.filter_by(**kwargs) # the following is all sqlalchemy implementation detail, and shouldn't be directly accessed
[docs] @staticmethod def check_not_found(item_or_none: Optional[T]) -> T: """Raise :class:`NotFoundError` if ``item_or_none`` is ``None``. Args: item_or_none: Item to be tested for existence. Returns: The item, if it exists. """ if item_or_none is None: msg = "No item found when one was expected" raise NotFoundError(msg) return item_or_none
[docs] async def execute( self, statement: Union[ ReturningDelete[tuple[Any]], ReturningUpdate[tuple[Any]], Select[tuple[Any]], Update, Delete, Select[Any] ], ) -> Result[Any]: return await self.session.execute(statement)