Source code for advanced_alchemy.extensions.flask.extension

# ruff: noqa: SLF001, ARG001
"""Flask extension for Advanced Alchemy."""

from import Generator, Sequence
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union, cast

from flask import g
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import ImproperConfigurationError
from advanced_alchemy.extensions.flask.cli import database_group
from advanced_alchemy.extensions.flask.config import SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig, SQLAlchemySyncConfig
from advanced_alchemy.utils.portals import PortalProvider

    from flask import Flask

[docs] class AdvancedAlchemy: """Flask extension for Advanced Alchemy.""" __slots__ = ( "_config", "_has_async_config", "_session_makers", "portal_provider", )
[docs] def __init__( self, config: "Union[SQLAlchemySyncConfig, SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig, Sequence[Union[SQLAlchemySyncConfig, SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig]]]", app: "Optional[Flask]" = None, *, portal_provider: "Optional[PortalProvider]" = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the extension.""" self.portal_provider = portal_provider if portal_provider is not None else PortalProvider() self._config = config if isinstance(config, Sequence) else [config] self._has_async_config = any(isinstance(c, SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig) for c in self.config) self._session_makers: dict[str, Callable[..., Union[AsyncSession, Session]]] = {} if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
@property def config(self) -> "Sequence[Union[SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig, SQLAlchemySyncConfig]]": """Get the SQLAlchemy configuration(s).""" return self._config @property def is_async_enabled(self) -> bool: """Return True if any of the database configs are async.""" return self._has_async_config
[docs] def init_app(self, app: "Flask") -> None: """Initialize the Flask application. Args: app: The Flask application to initialize. Raises: ImproperConfigurationError: If the extension is already registered on the Flask application. """ if "advanced_alchemy" in app.extensions: msg = "Advanced Alchemy extension is already registered on this Flask application." raise ImproperConfigurationError(msg) if self._has_async_config: self.portal_provider.start() # Create tables for async configs for cfg in self._config: if isinstance(cfg, SQLAlchemyAsyncConfig): # Register shutdown handler for the portal @app.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_portal(exception: "Optional[BaseException]" = None) -> None: # pyright: ignore[reportUnusedFunction] """Stop the portal when the application shuts down.""" if not app.debug: # Don't stop portal in debug mode with suppress(Exception): self.portal_provider.stop() # Initialize each config with the app for config in self.config: config.init_app(app, self.portal_provider.portal) bind_key = config.bind_key if config.bind_key is not None else "default" session_maker = config.create_session_maker() self._session_makers[bind_key] = session_maker # Register session cleanup only app.teardown_appcontext(self._teardown_appcontext) app.extensions["advanced_alchemy"] = self app.cli.add_command(database_group)
def _teardown_appcontext(self, exception: "Optional[BaseException]" = None) -> None: """Clean up resources when the application context ends.""" for key in list(g): if key.startswith("advanced_alchemy_session_"): session = getattr(g, key) if isinstance(session, AsyncSession): # Close async sessions through the portal with suppress(ImproperConfigurationError): else: session.close() delattr(g, key)
[docs] def get_session(self, bind_key: str = "default") -> "Union[AsyncSession, Session]": """Get a new session from the configured session factory. Args: bind_key: The bind key to use for the session. Returns: A new session from the configured session factory. Raises: ImproperConfigurationError: If no session maker is found for the bind key. """ if bind_key == "default" and len(self.config) == 1: bind_key = self.config[0].bind_key if self.config[0].bind_key is not None else "default" session_key = f"advanced_alchemy_session_{bind_key}" if hasattr(g, session_key): return cast("Union[AsyncSession, Session]", getattr(g, session_key)) session_maker = self._session_makers.get(bind_key) if session_maker is None: msg = f'No session maker found for bind key "{bind_key}"' raise ImproperConfigurationError(msg) session = session_maker() if self._has_async_config: # Ensure portal is started if not self.portal_provider.is_running: self.portal_provider.start() setattr(session, "_session_portal", self.portal_provider.portal) setattr(g, session_key, session) return session
[docs] def get_async_session(self, bind_key: str = "default") -> AsyncSession: """Get an async session from the configured session factory.""" session = self.get_session(bind_key) if not isinstance(session, AsyncSession): msg = f"Expected async session for bind key {bind_key}, but got {type(session)}" raise ImproperConfigurationError(msg) return session
[docs] def get_sync_session(self, bind_key: str = "default") -> Session: """Get a sync session from the configured session factory.""" session = self.get_session(bind_key) if not isinstance(session, Session): msg = f"Expected sync session for bind key {bind_key}, but got {type(session)}" raise ImproperConfigurationError(msg) return session
[docs] @contextmanager def with_session( # pragma: no cover (more on this later) self, bind_key: str = "default" ) -> "Generator[Union[AsyncSession, Session], None, None]": """Provide a transactional scope around a series of operations. Args: bind_key: The bind key to use for the session. Yields: A session. """ session = self.get_session(bind_key) try: yield session finally: if isinstance(session, AsyncSession): with suppress(ImproperConfigurationError): else: session.close()