Source code for advanced_alchemy.exceptions

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Callable, Generator, TypedDict, Union

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError as SQLAlchemyIntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.exc import MultipleResultsFound, SQLAlchemyError

from advanced_alchemy.utils.deprecation import deprecated

    "postgresql": [
    "sqlite": [
    "mysql": [
        re.compile(r"^.*\b1062\b.*Duplicate entry '(?P<value>.*)' for key '(?P<columns>[^']+)'.*$"),
        re.compile(r"^.*\b1062\b.*Duplicate entry \\'(?P<value>.*)\\' for key \\'(?P<columns>.+)\\'.*$"),
    "oracle": [],
    "spanner+spanner": [],
    "duckdb": [],
    "mssql": [],
    "bigquery": [],
    "cockroach": [],

    "postgresql": [
            r".*on table \"(?P<table>[^\"]+)\" violates "
            r"foreign key constraint \"(?P<constraint>[^\"]+)\".*\n"
            r"DETAIL:  Key \((?P<key>.+)\)=\(.+\) "
            r"is (not present in|still referenced from) table "
    "sqlite": [
        re.compile(r"(?i).*foreign key constraint failed"),
    "mysql": [
            r".*Cannot (add|delete) or update a (child|parent) row: "
            r'a foreign key constraint fails \([`"].+[`"]\.[`"](?P<table>.+)[`"], '
            r'CONSTRAINT [`"](?P<constraint>.+)[`"] FOREIGN KEY '
            r'\([`"](?P<key>.+)[`"]\) REFERENCES [`"](?P<key_table>.+)[`"] ',
    "oracle": [],
    "spanner+spanner": [],
    "duckdb": [],
    "mssql": [],
    "bigquery": [],
    "cockroach": [],

    "postgresql": [
        re.compile(r".*new row for relation \"(?P<table>.+)\" violates check constraint (?P<check_name>.+)"),
    "sqlite": [],
    "mysql": [],
    "oracle": [],
    "spanner+spanner": [],
    "duckdb": [],
    "mssql": [],
    "bigquery": [],
    "cockroach": [],

[docs]class AdvancedAlchemyError(Exception): """Base exception class from which all Advanced Alchemy exceptions inherit.""" detail: str
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, detail: str = "") -> None: """Initialize ``AdvancedAlchemyException``. Args: *args: args are converted to :class:`str` before passing to :class:`Exception` detail: detail of the exception. """ str_args = [str(arg) for arg in args if arg] if not detail: if str_args: detail, *str_args = str_args elif hasattr(self, "detail"): detail = self.detail self.detail = detail super().__init__(*str_args)
def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.detail: return f"{self.__class__.__name__} - {self.detail}" return self.__class__.__name__ def __str__(self) -> str: return " ".join((*self.args, self.detail)).strip()
[docs]class MissingDependencyError(AdvancedAlchemyError, ImportError): """Missing optional dependency. This exception is raised only when a module depends on a dependency that has not been installed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, package: str, install_package: str | None = None) -> None: super().__init__( f"Package {package!r} is not installed but required. You can install it by running " f"'pip install advanced_alchemy[{install_package or package}]' to install advanced_alchemy with the required extra " f"or 'pip install {install_package or package}' to install the package separately", )
[docs]class ImproperConfigurationError(AdvancedAlchemyError): """Improper Configuration error. This exception is raised only when a module depends on a dependency that has not been installed. """
[docs]class SerializationError(AdvancedAlchemyError): """Encoding or decoding of an object failed."""
[docs]class RepositoryError(AdvancedAlchemyError): """Base repository exception type."""
[docs]class ConflictError(RepositoryError): """Data integrity error."""
[docs] @deprecated( version="0.7.1", alternative="advanced_alchemy.exceptions.IntegrityError", kind="method", removal_in="1.0.0", info="`ConflictError` has been renamed to `IntegrityError`", ) def __init__(self, *args: Any, detail: str = "") -> None: super().__init__(*args, detail=detail)
[docs]class IntegrityError(RepositoryError): """Data integrity error."""
[docs]class DuplicateKeyError(IntegrityError): """Duplicate key error."""
[docs]class ForeignKeyError(IntegrityError): """Foreign key error."""
[docs]class NotFoundError(RepositoryError): """An identity does not exist."""
[docs]class MultipleResultsFoundError(RepositoryError): """A single database result was required but more than one were found."""
[docs]class ErrorMessages(TypedDict, total=False): duplicate_key: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] # noqa: UP007 integrity: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] # noqa: UP007 foreign_key: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] # noqa: UP007 multiple_rows: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] # noqa: UP007 check_constraint: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] # noqa: UP007 other: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] # noqa: UP007
def _get_error_message(error_messages: ErrorMessages, key: str, exc: Exception) -> str: template: Union[str, Callable[[Exception], str]] = error_messages.get(key, f"{key} error: {exc}") # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: UP007 if callable(template): # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType] template = template(exc) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType] return template # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType]
[docs]@contextmanager def wrap_sqlalchemy_exception( error_messages: ErrorMessages | None = None, dialect_name: str | None = None, ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Do something within context to raise a ``RepositoryError`` chained from an original ``SQLAlchemyError``. >>> try: ... with wrap_sqlalchemy_exception(): ... raise SQLAlchemyError("Original Exception") ... except RepositoryError as exc: ... print(f"caught repository exception from {type(exc.__context__)}") ... caught repository exception from <class 'sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError'> """ try: yield except MultipleResultsFound as exc: if error_messages is not None: msg = _get_error_message(error_messages=error_messages, key="multiple_rows", exc=exc) else: msg = "Multiple rows matched the specified data" raise MultipleResultsFoundError(detail=msg) from exc except SQLAlchemyIntegrityError as exc: if error_messages is not None and dialect_name is not None: _keys_to_regex = { "duplicate_key": (DUPLICATE_KEY_REGEXES.get(dialect_name, []), DuplicateKeyError), "check_constraint": (CHECK_CONSTRAINT_REGEXES.get(dialect_name, []), IntegrityError), "foreign_key": (FOREIGN_KEY_REGEXES.get(dialect_name, []), ForeignKeyError), } detail = " - ".join(str(exc_arg) for exc_arg in exc.orig.args) if exc.orig.args else "" # type: ignore[union-attr] # pyright: ignore[reportArgumentType,reportOptionalMemberAccess] for key, (regexes, exception) in _keys_to_regex.items(): for regex in regexes: if (match := regex.findall(detail)) and match[0]: raise exception( detail=_get_error_message(error_messages=error_messages, key=key, exc=exc), ) from exc raise IntegrityError( detail=_get_error_message(error_messages=error_messages, key="integrity", exc=exc), ) from exc raise IntegrityError(detail=f"An integrity error occurred: {exc}") from exc except SQLAlchemyError as exc: if error_messages is not None: msg = _get_error_message(error_messages=error_messages, key="other", exc=exc) else: msg = f"An exception occurred: {exc}" raise RepositoryError(detail=msg) from exc except AttributeError as exc: if error_messages is not None: msg = _get_error_message(error_messages=error_messages, key="other", exc=exc) else: msg = f"An attribute error occurred during processing: {exc}" raise RepositoryError(detail=msg) from exc