Source code for advanced_alchemy.config.common

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Generic, Optional, Union, cast

from typing_extensions import TypeVar

from advanced_alchemy.base import metadata_registry
from advanced_alchemy.config.engine import EngineConfig
from advanced_alchemy.exceptions import ImproperConfigurationError
from advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass import Empty, simple_asdict

    from sqlalchemy import Connection, Engine, MetaData
    from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncConnection, AsyncEngine, AsyncSession, async_sessionmaker
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapper, Query, Session, sessionmaker
    from sqlalchemy.orm.session import JoinTransactionMode
    from sqlalchemy.sql import TableClause

    from advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass import EmptyType

__all__ = (

ALEMBIC_TEMPLATE_PATH = f"{Path(__file__).parent.parent}/alembic/templates"
"""Path to the Alembic templates."""
ConnectionT = TypeVar("ConnectionT", bound="Union[Connection, AsyncConnection]")
"""Type variable for SQLAlchemy connection types.

.. seealso::
EngineT = TypeVar("EngineT", bound="Union[Engine, AsyncEngine]")
"""Type variable for a SQLAlchemy engine.

.. seealso::
SessionT = TypeVar("SessionT", bound="Union[Session, AsyncSession]")
"""Type variable for a SQLAlchemy session.

.. seealso::
SessionMakerT = TypeVar("SessionMakerT", bound="Union[sessionmaker[Session], async_sessionmaker[AsyncSession]]")
"""Type variable for a SQLAlchemy sessionmaker.

.. seealso::

[docs] @dataclass class GenericSessionConfig(Generic[ConnectionT, EngineT, SessionT]): """SQLAlchemy async session config. Types: ConnectionT: :class:`sqlalchemy.Connection` | :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncConnection` EngineT: :class:`sqlalchemy.Engine` | :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncEngine` SessionT: :class:`sqlalchemy.Session` | :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession` """ autobegin: "Union[bool, EmptyType]" = Empty """Automatically start transactions when database access is requested by an operation. Bool or :class:`Empty <advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass.Empty>` """ autoflush: "Union[bool, EmptyType]" = Empty """When ``True``, all query operations will issue a flush call to this :class:`Session <sqlalchemy.orm.Session>` before proceeding""" bind: "Union[EngineT, ConnectionT, None, EmptyType]" = Empty """The :class:`Engine <sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` or :class:`Connection <sqlalchemy.engine.Connection>` that new :class:`Session <sqlalchemy.orm.Session>` objects will be bound to.""" binds: "Union[dict[Union[type[Any], Mapper[Any], TableClause, str], Union[EngineT, ConnectionT]], None, EmptyType]" = Empty """A dictionary which may specify any number of :class:`Engine <sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` or :class:`Connection <sqlalchemy.engine.Connection>` objects as the source of connectivity for SQL operations on a per-entity basis. The keys of the dictionary consist of any series of mapped classes, arbitrary Python classes that are bases for mapped classes, :class:`Table <sqlalchemy.schema.Table>` objects and :class:`Mapper <sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper>` objects. The values of the dictionary are then instances of :class:`Engine <sqlalchemy.engine.Engine>` or less commonly :class:`Connection <sqlalchemy.engine.Connection>` objects.""" class_: "Union[type[SessionT], EmptyType]" = Empty """Class to use in order to create new :class:`Session <sqlalchemy.orm.Session>` objects.""" expire_on_commit: "Union[bool, EmptyType]" = Empty """If ``True``, all instances will be expired after each commit.""" info: "Union[dict[str, Any], None, EmptyType]" = Empty """Optional dictionary of information that will be available via the :attr:` <>`""" join_transaction_mode: "Union[JoinTransactionMode, EmptyType]" = Empty """Describes the transactional behavior to take when a given bind is a Connection that has already begun a transaction outside the scope of this Session; in other words the :attr:`Connection.in_transaction() <sqlalchemy.Connection.in_transaction>` method returns True.""" query_cls: "Union[type[Query], None, EmptyType]" = Empty # pyright: ignore[reportMissingTypeArgument] """Class which should be used to create new Query objects, as returned by the :attr:`Session.query() <sqlalchemy.orm.Session.query>` method.""" twophase: "Union[bool, EmptyType]" = Empty """When ``True``, all transactions will be started as a “two phase” transaction, i.e. using the “two phase” semantics of the database in use along with an XID. During a :attr:`commit() <sqlalchemy.orm.Session.commit>`, after :attr:`flush() <sqlalchemy.orm.Session.flush>` has been issued for all attached databases, the :attr:`TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare() <sqlalchemy.engine.TwoPhaseTransaction.prepare>` method on each database`s :class:`TwoPhaseTransaction <sqlalchemy.engine.TwoPhaseTransaction>` will be called. This allows each database to roll back the entire transaction, before each transaction is committed."""
[docs] @dataclass class GenericSQLAlchemyConfig(Generic[EngineT, SessionT, SessionMakerT]): """Common SQLAlchemy Configuration. Types: EngineT: :class:`sqlalchemy.Engine` or :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncEngine` SessionT: :class:`sqlalchemy.Session` or :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession` SessionMakerT: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker` or :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.async_sessionmaker` """ create_engine_callable: "Callable[[str], EngineT]" """Callable that creates an :class:`AsyncEngine <sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncEngine>` instance or instance of its subclass. """ session_config: "GenericSessionConfig[Any, Any, Any]" """Configuration options for either the :class:`async_sessionmaker <sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.async_sessionmaker>` or :class:`sessionmaker <sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker>`. """ session_maker_class: "type[Union[sessionmaker[Session], async_sessionmaker[AsyncSession]]]" """Sessionmaker class to use. .. seealso:: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker` :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.async_sessionmaker` """ connection_string: "Union[str, None]" = field(default=None) """Database connection string in one of the formats supported by SQLAlchemy. Notes: - For async connections, the connection string must include the correct async prefix. e.g. ``'postgresql+asyncpg://...'`` instead of ``'postgresql://'``, and for sync connections its the opposite. """ engine_config: "EngineConfig" = field(default_factory=EngineConfig) """Configuration for the SQLAlchemy engine. The configuration options are documented in the SQLAlchemy documentation. """ session_maker: "Union[Callable[[], SessionT], None]" = None """Callable that returns a session. If provided, the plugin will use this rather than instantiate a sessionmaker. """ engine_instance: "Union[EngineT, None]" = None """Optional engine to use. If set, the plugin will use the provided instance rather than instantiate an engine. """ create_all: bool = False """If true, all models are automatically created on engine creation.""" metadata: "Union[MetaData, None]" = None """Optional metadata to use. If set, the plugin will use the provided instance rather than the default metadata.""" enable_touch_updated_timestamp_listener: bool = True """Enable Created/Updated Timestamp event listener. This is a listener that will update ``created_at`` and ``updated_at`` columns on record modification. Disable if you plan to bring your own update mechanism for these columns""" bind_key: "Union[str, None]" = None """Bind key to register a metadata to a specific engine configuration.""" _SESSION_SCOPE_KEY_REGISTRY: "ClassVar[set[str]]" = field(init=False, default=cast("set[str]", set())) """Internal counter for ensuring unique identification of session scope keys in the class.""" _ENGINE_APP_STATE_KEY_REGISTRY: "ClassVar[set[str]]" = field(init=False, default=cast("set[str]", set())) """Internal counter for ensuring unique identification of engine app state keys in the class.""" _SESSIONMAKER_APP_STATE_KEY_REGISTRY: "ClassVar[set[str]]" = field(init=False, default=cast("set[str]", set())) """Internal counter for ensuring unique identification of sessionmaker state keys in the class.""" def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.connection_string is not None and self.engine_instance is not None: msg = "Only one of 'connection_string' or 'engine_instance' can be provided." raise ImproperConfigurationError(msg) if self.metadata is None: self.metadata = metadata_registry.get(self.bind_key) else: metadata_registry.set(self.bind_key, self.metadata) if self.enable_touch_updated_timestamp_listener: from sqlalchemy import event from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from advanced_alchemy._listeners import touch_updated_timestamp event.listen(Session, "before_flush", touch_updated_timestamp) def __hash__(self) -> int: # pragma: no cover return hash( ( self.__class__.__qualname__, self.connection_string, self.engine_config.__class__.__qualname__, self.bind_key, ) ) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() @property def engine_config_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the engine configuration as a dict. Returns: A string keyed dict of config kwargs for the SQLAlchemy :func:`sqlalchemy.get_engine` function. """ return simple_asdict(self.engine_config, exclude_empty=True) @property def session_config_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return the session configuration as a dict. Returns: A string keyed dict of config kwargs for the SQLAlchemy :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker` class. """ return simple_asdict(self.session_config, exclude_empty=True)
[docs] def get_engine(self) -> EngineT: """Return an engine. If none exists yet, create one. Returns: :class:`sqlalchemy.Engine` or :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncEngine` instance used by the plugin. """ if self.engine_instance: return self.engine_instance if self.connection_string is None: msg = "One of 'connection_string' or 'engine_instance' must be provided." raise ImproperConfigurationError(msg) engine_config = self.engine_config_dict try: return self.create_engine_callable(self.connection_string, **engine_config) except TypeError: # likely due to a dialect that doesn't support json type del engine_config["json_deserializer"] del engine_config["json_serializer"] return self.create_engine_callable(self.connection_string, **engine_config)
[docs] def create_session_maker(self) -> "Callable[[], SessionT]": # pragma: no cover """Get a session maker. If none exists yet, create one. Returns: :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker` or :class:`sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.async_sessionmaker` factory used by the plugin. """ if self.session_maker: return self.session_maker session_kws = self.session_config_dict if session_kws.get("bind") is None: session_kws["bind"] = self.get_engine() return cast("Callable[[], SessionT]", self.session_maker_class(**session_kws))
[docs] @dataclass class GenericAlembicConfig: """Configuration for Alembic's :class:`Config <alembic.config.Config>`. For details see: """ script_config: str = "alembic.ini" """A path to the Alembic configuration file such as ``alembic.ini``. If left unset, the default configuration will be used. """ version_table_name: str = "alembic_versions" """Configure the name of the table used to hold the applied alembic revisions. Defaults to ``alembic_versions``. """ version_table_schema: "Optional[str]" = None """Configure the schema to use for the alembic revisions revisions. If unset, it defaults to connection's default schema.""" script_location: str = "migrations" """A path to save generated migrations. """ user_module_prefix: "Optional[str]" = "sa." """User module prefix.""" render_as_batch: bool = True """Render as batch.""" compare_type: bool = False """Compare type.""" template_path: str = ALEMBIC_TEMPLATE_PATH """Template path."""