# ruff: noqa: TC004
"""Common base classes for SQLAlchemy declarative models."""
import contextlib
import datetime
import re
from collections.abc import Iterator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Protocol, Union, cast, runtime_checkable
from uuid import UUID
from sqlalchemy import Date, MetaData, String
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncAttrs
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
registry as SQLAlchemyRegistry, # noqa: N812
from sqlalchemy.orm.decl_base import _TableArgsType as TableArgsType # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeEngine
from typing_extensions import Self, TypeVar
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
AuditColumns as _AuditColumns,
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
BigIntPrimaryKey as _BigIntPrimaryKey,
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
NanoIDPrimaryKey as _NanoIDPrimaryKey,
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
UUIDPrimaryKey as _UUIDPrimaryKey,
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
UUIDv6PrimaryKey as _UUIDv6PrimaryKey,
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
UUIDv7PrimaryKey as _UUIDv7PrimaryKey,
from advanced_alchemy.types import GUID, DateTimeUTC, JsonB
from advanced_alchemy.utils.dataclass import DataclassProtocol
from advanced_alchemy.utils.deprecation import warn_deprecation
# these should stay here since they are deprecated. They are imported in the __getattr__ function
from sqlalchemy.sql import FromClause
from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import (
_NamingSchemaParameter as NamingSchemaParameter, # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
from advanced_alchemy.mixins import (
__all__ = (
def __getattr__(attr_name: str) -> object:
if attr_name == "__path__":
return __file__
_deprecated_attrs = {
if attr_name in _deprecated_attrs:
from advanced_alchemy import mixins
module = "advanced_alchemy.mixins"
value = globals()[attr_name] = getattr(mixins, attr_name)
info=f"importing {attr_name} from 'advanced_alchemy.base' is deprecated, please import it from '{module}' instead",
return value
if attr_name in set(__all__).difference(_deprecated_attrs):
value = globals()[attr_name] = locals()[attr_name]
return value
msg = f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {attr_name!r}"
raise AttributeError(msg)
UUIDBaseT = TypeVar("UUIDBaseT", bound="UUIDBase")
"""Type variable for :class:`UUIDBase`."""
BigIntBaseT = TypeVar("BigIntBaseT", bound="BigIntBase")
"""Type variable for :class:`BigIntBase`."""
UUIDv6BaseT = TypeVar("UUIDv6BaseT", bound="UUIDv6Base")
"""Type variable for :class:`UUIDv6Base`."""
UUIDv7BaseT = TypeVar("UUIDv7BaseT", bound="UUIDv7Base")
"""Type variable for :class:`UUIDv7Base`."""
NanoIDBaseT = TypeVar("NanoIDBaseT", bound="NanoIDBase")
"""Type variable for :class:`NanoIDBase`."""
convention: "NamingSchemaParameter" = {
"ix": "ix_%(column_0_label)s",
"uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
"ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
"fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
"pk": "pk_%(table_name)s",
"""Templates for automated constraint name generation."""
table_name_regexp = re.compile("((?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z]|(?!^)[A-Z](?=[a-z]))")
"""Regular expression for table name"""
def merge_table_arguments(cls: type[DeclarativeBase], table_args: Optional[TableArgsType] = None) -> TableArgsType:
"""Merge Table Arguments.
This function helps merge table arguments when using mixins that include their own table args,
making it easier to append additional information such as comments or constraints to the model.
cls (type[:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.DeclarativeBase`]): The model that will get the table args.
table_args (:class:`TableArgsType`, optional): Additional information to add to table_args.
:class:`TableArgsType`: Merged table arguments.
args: list[Any] = []
kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
mixin_table_args = (getattr(super(base_cls, cls), "__table_args__", None) for base_cls in cls.__bases__) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownParameter,reportUnknownArgumentType,reportArgumentType]
for arg_to_merge in (*mixin_table_args, table_args):
if arg_to_merge:
if isinstance(arg_to_merge, tuple):
last_positional_arg = arg_to_merge[-1] # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownVariableType]
args.extend(arg_to_merge[:-1]) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType]
if isinstance(last_positional_arg, dict):
kwargs.update(last_positional_arg) # pyright: ignore[reportUnknownArgumentType]
if args:
if kwargs:
return (*args, kwargs)
return tuple(args)
return kwargs
class ModelProtocol(Protocol):
"""The base SQLAlchemy model protocol.
__table__ (:class:`sqlalchemy.sql.FromClause`): The table associated with the model.
__mapper__ (:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.Mapper`): The mapper for the model.
__name__ (str): The name of the model.
__table__: FromClause
__mapper__: Mapper[Any]
__name__: str
def to_dict(self, exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert model to dictionary.
Dict[str, Any]: A dict representation of the model
class BasicAttributes:
"""Basic attributes for SQLAlchemy tables and queries.
Provides a method to convert the model to a dictionary representation.
to_dict: Converts the model to a dictionary, excluding specified fields. :no-index:
__name__: str
__table__: FromClause
__mapper__: Mapper[Any]
def to_dict(self, exclude: Optional[set[str]] = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert model to dictionary.
Dict[str, Any]: A dict representation of the model
exclude = {"sa_orm_sentinel", "_sentinel"}.union(self._sa_instance_state.unloaded).union(exclude or []) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return {
field: getattr(self, field)
for field in self.__mapper__.columns.keys() # noqa: SIM118
if field not in exclude
class CommonTableAttributes(BasicAttributes):
"""Common attributes for SQLAlchemy tables.
Inherits from :class:`BasicAttributes` and provides a mechanism to infer table names from class names.
__tablename__ (str): The inferred table name.
__tablename__: str
def __tablename__(cls) -> str:
"""Infer table name from class name."""
return table_name_regexp.sub(r"_\1", cls.__name__).lower()
def create_registry(
custom_annotation_map: Optional[dict[Any, Union[type[TypeEngine[Any]], TypeEngine[Any]]]] = None,
) -> SQLAlchemyRegistry:
"""Create a new SQLAlchemy registry.
custom_annotation_map (dict, optional): Custom type annotations to use for the registry.
:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.registry`: A new SQLAlchemy registry with the specified type annotations.
import uuid as core_uuid
meta = MetaData(naming_convention=convention)
type_annotation_map: dict[Any, Union[type[TypeEngine[Any]], TypeEngine[Any]]] = {
core_uuid.UUID: GUID,
datetime.datetime: DateTimeUTC,
datetime.date: Date,
dict: JsonB,
dict[str, Any]: JsonB,
dict[str, str]: JsonB,
DataclassProtocol: JsonB,
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl, AnyUrl, EmailStr, IPvAnyAddress, IPvAnyInterface, IPvAnyNetwork, Json
EmailStr: String,
AnyUrl: String,
AnyHttpUrl: String,
Json: JsonB,
IPvAnyAddress: String,
IPvAnyInterface: String,
IPvAnyNetwork: String,
with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
from msgspec import Struct
type_annotation_map[Struct] = JsonB
if custom_annotation_map is not None:
return SQLAlchemyRegistry(metadata=meta, type_annotation_map=type_annotation_map)
orm_registry = create_registry()
class MetadataRegistry:
"""A registry for metadata.
Provides methods to get and set metadata for different bind keys.
get: Retrieves the metadata for a given bind key.
set: Sets the metadata for a given bind key.
_instance: Optional["MetadataRegistry"] = None
_registry: dict[Union[str, None], MetaData] = {None: orm_registry.metadata}
def __new__(cls) -> Self:
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
return cast(Self, cls._instance)
def get(self, bind_key: Optional[str] = None) -> MetaData:
"""Get the metadata for the given bind key."""
return self._registry.setdefault(bind_key, MetaData(naming_convention=convention))
def set(self, bind_key: Optional[str], metadata: MetaData) -> None:
"""Set the metadata for the given bind key."""
self._registry[bind_key] = metadata
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Union[str, None]]:
return iter(self._registry)
def __getitem__(self, bind_key: Union[str, None]) -> MetaData:
return self._registry[bind_key]
def __setitem__(self, bind_key: Union[str, None], metadata: MetaData) -> None:
self._registry[bind_key] = metadata
def __contains__(self, bind_key: Union[str, None]) -> bool:
return bind_key in self._registry
metadata_registry = MetadataRegistry()
class AdvancedDeclarativeBase(DeclarativeBase):
"""A subclass of declarative base that allows for overriding of the registry.
Inherits from :class:`sqlalchemy.orm.DeclarativeBase`.
registry (:class:`sqlalchemy.orm.registry`): The registry for the declarative base.
__metadata_registry__ (:class:`~advanced_alchemy.base.MetadataRegistry`): The metadata registry.
__bind_key__ (Optional[:class:`str`]): The bind key for the metadata.
registry = orm_registry
__abstract__ = True
__metadata_registry__: MetadataRegistry = MetadataRegistry()
__bind_key__: Optional[str] = None
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
bind_key = getattr(cls, "__bind_key__", None)
if bind_key is not None:
cls.metadata = cls.__metadata_registry__.get(bind_key)
elif None not in cls.__metadata_registry__ and getattr(cls, "metadata", None) is not None:
cls.__metadata_registry__[None] = cls.metadata
class UUIDBase(_UUIDPrimaryKey, CommonTableAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy declarative models with UUID v4 primary keys.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class UUIDAuditBase(CommonTableAttributes, _UUIDPrimaryKey, _AuditColumns, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for declarative models with UUID v4 primary keys and audit columns.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class UUIDv6Base(_UUIDv6PrimaryKey, CommonTableAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy declarative models with UUID v6 primary keys.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class UUIDv6AuditBase(CommonTableAttributes, _UUIDv6PrimaryKey, _AuditColumns, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for declarative models with UUID v6 primary keys and audit columns.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class UUIDv7Base(_UUIDv7PrimaryKey, CommonTableAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy declarative models with UUID v7 primary keys.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class UUIDv7AuditBase(CommonTableAttributes, _UUIDv7PrimaryKey, _AuditColumns, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for declarative models with UUID v7 primary keys and audit columns.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class NanoIDBase(_NanoIDPrimaryKey, CommonTableAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy declarative models with Nano ID primary keys.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class NanoIDAuditBase(CommonTableAttributes, _NanoIDPrimaryKey, _AuditColumns, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for declarative models with Nano ID primary keys and audit columns.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class BigIntBase(_BigIntPrimaryKey, CommonTableAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy declarative models with BigInt primary keys.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class BigIntAuditBase(CommonTableAttributes, _BigIntPrimaryKey, _AuditColumns, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for declarative models with BigInt primary keys and audit columns.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class DefaultBase(CommonTableAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy declarative models. No primary key is added.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
class SQLQuery(BasicAttributes, AdvancedDeclarativeBase, AsyncAttrs):
"""Base for all SQLAlchemy custom mapped objects.
.. seealso::
__abstract__ = True
__allow_unmapped__ = True